22033 IASA AnnReport for 21-22_hi
CHAIR Dr. Roger L. Alvey, Supt., Illini Bluffs CUSD #327
MEMBERS Dr. Roger L. Alvey, Supt., Illini Bluffs CUSD #327
Dr. Kevin Blankenship, Supt., Scott-Morgan CUSD #2 and Winchester CUSD #1 Dr. Kelle S. Bunch, Supt., Liberty CUSD #2 Dr. Lori James-Gross, Supt., Unity Point CCSD #140 Dr. Anthony M. Scarsella, Supt., Palos CCSD #118 Dr. Kevin Skinkis, Supt., Riverside-Brookfield Twp HSD #208 Dr. Jeff Stawick, Supt., CCSD #146 Matthew A. Stines, Supt., Grant CCSD #110 Barbara Thompson, Supt., Fisher CUSD #1 Dr. Victor Zimmerman, Supt., Monticello CUSD #25
CHAIR Jeff Fetcho, Supt., Hamilton County CUSD #10
MEMBERS Dr. Jay Morrow, Supt., United Twp HSD #30
Brent O'Daniell, Supt., Genoa-Kingston CUSD #424
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