22033 IASA AnnReport for 21-22_hi

Annual Business Meeting Minutes 2021 Report of the Secretary

The Secretary’s Report consists of the Minutes of the IASA Annual Business Meeting held on September 29, 2021.

Dr. Clark updated the membership on staffing changes at IASA. He recognized Diane Hendren, IASA’s outgoing Director of Governmental Relations, noting her political astuteness and desire to always look out for what’s best for children and the superintendency. Ms. Hendren’s last day will be January 1. She has been with IASA for 17 years. Ms. Hendren said a few words thanking the Board and membership. Dr. Clark followed by introducing the newest team members, who IASA will share with the Illinois Association of School Business Officials. Madeline McCune will serve as Director of Governmental Relations and Emily Warnecke as Director of Public Relations/ Deputy Director of Governmental Relations. Madeline comes to IASA from the Illinois House of Representatives, where she served as Research and Budget Analyst. In her duties, she worked directly with lobbyists, agencies and legislators to negotiate education policy. Madeline started Oct. 1. Emily is in her fourth year as superintendent of East Alton SD #13. Emily will assist with legislative advocacy and help represent the views of superintendents across the state. Emily will begin Jan. 1. Each said a few words. Dr. Clark ended his report by again noting the heroic leadership of superintendents the past 18 months that cannot be learned in a textbook or classroom but rather earned and demonstrated in the arena of life. IASA as an organization has never been in finer condition and that is with the amazing professionals who work to serve Illinois superintendents every day. He noted he counts it a lifetime honor to work as Executive Director of IASA. Dr. Clark concluded his 16th State of the Association Report by thanking the Board adding the Board of Directors has stayed steady and led the way during these unprecedent times. A true hallmark of the performance of a high functioning Board. A motion was made by Ms. Julie Kraemer, seconded by Dr. Scott Goselin, to accept the Independent Auditor’s Financial Report Summary as presented in the FY 2021 IASA Annual Report along with acceptance of all reports. The motion was approved by a voice vote. V. Unfinished Business None. VI. New Business None. VII. Adjournment A motion was made by Dr. Michelle Lee, seconded by Ms. Barbara Thompson, to adjourn the Annual Meeting. The motion carried and the meeting was declared adjourned at 4:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Barbara Thompson Secretary and Illini Region

I. Call to Order and Declare a Quorum is Present—President Jeff Stawick IASA President Jeff Stawick called the meeting to order at 4:11 p.m., Wednesday, September 29, 2021. A quorum of members was present. II. Acknowledgment of Dr. Jason D. Henry as Parliamentarian President Stawick appointed Dr. Jason D. Henry, Superintendent of Sesser-Valier CUSD #196, to serve as Parliamentarian of the Annual Meeting. Dr. Henry accepted the appointment. There being no questions or changes to the minutes, a motion was made by Dr. Scott Goselin, seconded by Ms. Julie Schmidt, to approve the April 7, 2021, Annual Meeting Minutes as presented. The motion carried by a voice vote. A. General Finances of the Association—Dr. Roger Alvey, Treasurer President Stawick introduced Dr. Roger L. Alvey, IASA Treasurer to the stage to present on the general finances of IASA. Treasurer Alvey thanked the Budget Committee members and the Board of Directors for being an integral role in moving IASA forward. He then reported on the general finances of IASA for FY 2021, noting IASA finished the year in sound financial condition. The auditors noted no material findings or irregularities and had no recommendations for internal controls. IASA membership dues remain constant and the Association continues to experience income from many sponsored programs, investments and non-dues revenue sources. B. Executive Director’s Report—State of the Association Report— Dr. Brent Clark, Executive Director President Stawick introduced Dr. Brent Clark, IASA Executive Director to the stage to present the State of the Association Report. While coming on stage, President Stawick thanked Dr. Clark for his leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic and his continued guidance to members. Dr. Clark presented the State of the Association Report, reporting on the effects that the polarization of politics across the country has on all communities across Illinois. He noted there are four steps superintendents can take. 1. Stay very in tune with your community. 2. Recognize that we’re not in a fixed but fluid environment – change comes fast. 3. Focus on your own health and welfare and take care of your family. (P.I.L.Y.—People inside love you) 4. Think long term while battling immediate fires.

III. III.Approval of the April 7, 2021 Annual Meeting Minutes

IV. 2020 Annual Report


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