23028 Annual Report 22-23_hi
Membership Benefits continued
• IASA Membership Directory: The IASA Mem bership Directory includes contact information for school administrators across the state as well as a list of School Service Members, retired members and professors. Return of Dues Program IASA continues to provide the Return of Dues Program to its members. This program is a self-funded insurance program that reimburses the estate of a deceased member, the regular and/ or retired dues paid to the Association for the most recent 10 consecutive years. The Return of Dues Program lapses in the 11th year of retirement. Both programs (legal support and return of dues) operate within the financial parameters set many years ago, that of being funded from interest earned by the fund accounts. Stay Connected with IASA Email: IASA keeps you informed about professional develop ment opportunities, educational programs and other initiatives through direct emails. Twitter: There are a variety of ways you can stay connected with IASA. Twitter: Keep up with IASA on Twitter by following @IllinoisASA and staff member accounts: Executive Director @docclark05; General Counsel @ChadPWatkins; Professional Development @drorzel; Government Relations @MadMcCune_IL, @MrsWarnecke and @IllinoisASAGR. Website: IASA’s redesigned website (iasaedu.org) is your go-to source for all information about IASA. The website includes information about professional development, governmental re lations, communications, membership, legal services, corporate partnerships, sponsored programs, a calendar of events, online registration for conferences and more. IASA Mobile App: The IASA App is the easiest way to ac cess information about IASA programs and services. The app is free to use and can be downloaded on Google Play or the Apple App Store (search for IllinoisASA).
or messages to parents. IASA members can also access a library of template letters on the IASA website that make it easy to quickly turnaround messages to families. Networking Opportunities The superintendency does not have to be a lonely job. IASA region meetings offer regular opportunities to communicate with peers about timely issues common to educational leaders. Also throughout the year, IASA hosts various networking opportunities for female school administrators to support, share success stories and celebrate Women in Leadership. Lastly, IASA sometimes hosts virtual Supt2Supt sessions that provide members an opportunity to connect online with their peers from across the state and discuss The IASA Annual Conference offers members the opportunity to hear from nationally known speakers as well as participate in breakout sessions and other professional development opportunities. The 2023 Annual Conference is scheduled for September 27–29, 2023. This year’s conference will be held at The President Abraham Lincoln Springfield—a Double Tree by Hilton hotel and the BOS Center. Publications and Resources IASA produces various publications and resources that help keep you informed.: • Leadership Matters: Our award-winning month ly magazine includes messages from IASA Executive Director Dr. Brent Clark, as well as stories about inno vative, successful programs from peers throughout the state and issues important to public education in Illinois. • Task Planner: To help superintendents keep up with important dates and manage extensive responsi bilities, IASA developed a monthly task planner. • Eye on Education: IASA sends members a daily synopsis of education-related news stories. • IASA Podcast: The IASA Podcast is another re source to learn about innovative programs and legisla tive events happening across Illinois. complex topics in a safe environment. IASA Annual Conference
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