24020 AnnRept 2024

Annual Business Meeting Minutes 202 3 Report of the Secretary The Secretary’s Report consists of the Minutes of the IASA Annual Business Meeting held on September 27, 2023.

B. State of the Association Report—Dr. Brent Clark, Executive Director President Alvey welcomed Dr. Brent Clark, IASA Executive Director, to the podium to present the annual State of the Association Report. He thanked Dr. Clark for his leadership and continued support and guidance Dr. Clark provides to members on a daily basis. Dr. Clark presented his 18th State of the Association Report reporting on Vision 2030, School Safety, Literacy and Evidence-Based Funding. Dr. Clark ended his report by reminding members to navigate the situation, prove your value to your school district every day, week and month of the year. Prepare for the moment and be ready to execute. He thanked the Board of Directors for their unwavering leadership, noting they are the backbone of the association. A motion was made by Dr. Jeff Stawick, seconded by Mr. Timothy J. Schurman, to accept the Independent Auditor’s Financial Report along with all reports. The motion was approved by a voice vote.

I. Call to Order and Declare a Quorum is Present—President Roger Alvey IASA President Roger Alvey called the meeting to order at 4:20 p.m., Wednesday, September 27, 2023, declaring that a quorum was present. II. Acknowledgment of Dr. Jason D. Henry as Parliamentarian President Alvey appointed Dr. Jason D. Henry, superintendent of Sesser-Valier CUSD #196, to serve as Parliamentarian of the Annual Meeting. Dr. Henry accepted the appointment. III. Approval of the September 28, 2022 Annual Meeting Minutes There being no questions or changes to the minutes, a motion was made by Dr. Jeff Stawick, seconded by Mr. Timothy J. Schurman, to approve the September 27, 2022, minutes as presented. The motion was approved by a voice vote. IV. 2023 Annual Report A. General Finances of the Association—Barbara Thompson, Treasurer finances of IASA. Treasurer Thompson thanked the Board of Directors and members of the Budget Committee for their continued support in reviewing the budget each year. Ms. Thompson reported on the general finances of IASA for FY 2023, noting the auditors reviewed the FY 2023 audit report with the Board the day prior and noted there were no irregularities or material findings, and a clean opinion was given on the association’s finances again this year. President Alvey welcomed IASA Treasurer Barbara Thompson to the stage to present on the general

V. Unfinished Business

There was no unfinished business.

VI. New Business

There was no new business.

VII. Adjournment There being no further business, a motion was made by Dr. Jeff Stawick, seconded by Mr. Timothy J. Schurman, to adjourn the Annual Meeting. The motion carried and the meeting was declared adjourned at 4:53 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Dr. Steven Wrobleski, Secretary and Starved Rock Region


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