Annual Report FY 2014
This IASA Annual Report includes lots of useful information about what has transpired this past year, but I’m not sure any report could capture what a
challenging year it has been for public education in Illinois. As President of IASA, I am most proud of the fact that we as educators never wavered in carrying out our duty of providing the best possible educational opportunities for the children of our state.
I would be the first to agree that test results tell only one part of a complex story, but consider these accomplishments:
The Illinois graduating Class of 2013 once again ranked No. 1 in the percentage of students that met all four ACT College Readiness Benchmarks among the nine states that test all of their high school juniors.
Illinois students ranked No. 1 in English and Math, No. 2 in Reading and No. 3 in Science among states that administer the ACT test to all high school juniors.
There were 624 schools in the state that made the Illinois Honor Roll as high- achieving schools despite major state funding cuts.
It has been my privilege to serve you, and to serve with you on the front lines of public education in these trying times and I urge you to continue to do your best for your students despite obstacles like budget cuts, unfunded mandates and ill-conceived reform efforts.
Yours for better schools,
Dr. Steve Webb Goreville Comm Unit 1
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