Annual Report FY 2016
iTunes Learning Center was launched in August 2015, as part of the Vision 20/20 blueprint; Dr. Thomas E. Bertrand, superintendent of Rochester Comm Unit #3A, was selected 2015 Illinois Superintendent of the Year; IASA implemented the Superintendents of Distinction Award for each IASA region that recognizes the great work that is going on in every part of the state; and IASA joined with our partners in the Statewide School Management Alliance and held the Alliance Leadership Summit. Dr. Clark noted the challenges we have faced have been difficult, but we have a great network to battle those challenges. He reiterated that together, we can be a strong voice for the more than 2 million schoolchildren in Illinois. A motion was made by Dr. Jonathan P. Heerboth to accept the Independent Auditor’s Financial Summary as presented in the FY 2015 IASA Annual Report along with the acceptance of all reports. The motion was seconded by Ms. Paula Hawley and approved by a voice vote.
Presentation of the Proposed Bylaws Changes - Dr. Dan Oest
President Westerhold introduced Dr. Dan Oest, Bylaws Committee Chair.
Dr. Oest reported that the IASA Board of Directors approved a proposed change to the IASA Bylaws relative to the IASA Active Membership Dues structure in the event that IASA has a reduction in membership. The proposed changes were provided in the FY 2015 IASA Annual Report and distributed at the Annual Meeting and are as follows:
(new language is underscored )
ARTICLE III – MEMBERS SECTION 3. DUES. The minimum annual dues for the Active membership classification shall be .007 of the gross annual salary. Each March, the multiplier for the following year shall be calculated based on the total Active Membership and increased by .00025 for every 25 Active Members fewer than 1,052. The annual dues for the following membership categories are established by the Board of Directors and contained in the IASA Policy Handbook: Full-Time Professor Member, Associate Member, Retired Member, School Service Member and Student Member.
It was stated that baseline Active Membership based on the 2015 March Membership Report is 1,052. It was further noted that IASA Active Membership has held constant each year.
A motion was made by Dr. Mark D. Hansen, seconded by Dr. Thomas E. Bertrand, to approve the proposed bylaws changes as presented. The motion was approved by a voice vote. The change will take place effective with processing FY 2017 membership dues.
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