Annual Report FY 2016
The IASA Annual Report is always a good point to reflect on what has been accomplished across the past year relative to the association’s work and goals. The 2015-16 year was a year of progress on key goals, but also one that demonstrated the degree of difficulty in changing public policy. It was filled with memorable and long lasting events that will impact education across Illinois for many years into the future. In July, the IASA Board of Directors established an aggressive agenda for the year and they, along with the IASA team, have worked diligently to complete those goals and objectives. On behalf of IASA, I would like to extend my thanks to President Dr. Jane Westerhold and the Board of Directors for their leadership this past year. It is through our
combined efforts that we live up to the IASA vision of “Maximum Educational Success for All Students.”
The first major event of the year was the 51 st Annual Conference back in September featuring a commanding group of keynote speakers that challenged all of us to be better people and stronger leaders. Feedback from the conference was encouraging and we anticipate another eventful conference this coming September with an impressive list of speakers. Then in November, we announced Dr. Judy Hackett as the 2016 Superintendent of the Year during the IASB/IASA/ IASBO Joint Annual Conference in Chicago. She has been a compelling representative on behalf of our members and continues to advocate at every turn for the children across our state. The Superintendents of Distinction awards banquet was a special time in April to honor an impressive group of leaders. State Superintendent Tony Smith delivered insightful remarks relative to the challenges and importance of leadership for kids growing up in these uncertain yet global times. In May, we graduated the third cohort of Fellows from the IASA School of Advanced Leadership. The closing ceremony was powerful and brought tears to the eyes of many in attendance as they pondered their individual role in shaping, not only their own life, but the lives of so many other people. This program continues to change the trajectory of lives and districts and is bringing about a deeper connection between superintendents across the diverse landscape of Illinois. The month of May also brought us the closing of the regular session of the General Assembly and for the first time in memory, we entered the month of June without a K-12 budget bill passing. Although we were able to advance the Evidence-Based Funding Model through the Senate, it stalled out in the House without ever receiving a vote. Saying that we are in uncharted waters is an understatement of major proportions. At the time of writing this report, many schools are scheduled to open in approximately 60-75 days, and not being able to count on the state government for their financial support is well beyond the pale of reason. Due to the current extreme political environment that is leading to an extreme financial crisis, superintendents are going to be under some of the greatest pressures ever faced as they navigate across the next several months. Painful decisions will be considered and made relative to opening and closing schools without a state budget and we can all imagine the carnage that will ensue. We all are praying that a resolution can be found before chaos sets in and that next year’s annual report will end on a much more inspiring note. We will get through this together and be stronger for the challenge that we overcame.
As always, your IASA team will be in position to assist all members at any time. Godspeed.
Warmest regards,
Brent Clark, Ph.D. Executive Director
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