

InRemembrance We are sad to share Dr. Harold E. Ford passed away on January 20 at the age of 72. Dr. Ford served as superintendent at Geneseo CUSD #228 before retiring, and was also a former IASA President. Bill Wrenn, superintendent of Midland Community Unit School District #7, passed away on January 26 at the age of 58. Wrenn served at Midland as superintendent the past four years.

Dr. KeelyRoberts to BeRecognized for ExpandingMusical Educationat ZionESD#6 Dr. Keely Roberts, superintendent at Zion ESD #6, has been named the 2020 recipient of the Save The Music Foundation’s 15th annual Administrator

Dr. Harold E. Ford

Dr. Keely Roberts

Award for Distinguished Support of Music Education. Dr. Roberts will travel to San Diego for the annual National Conference on Education, hosted by AASA, where the award will be presented on February 15. The award recognizes one superintendent or school district CEO who has exhibited outstanding commitment to restoring music education in his or her school district. Dr. Roberts was chosen for her deep commitment to providing elementary students across Zion ESD #6 with a well-rounded education that includes music. Under her leadership, Zion ESD #6 has built pathways that have expanded musical programming opportunities district-wide. Students are now able to experiment with many musical instruments, enroll in a variety of music classes that are outside of their core content and are given opportunities to showcase their talent and skill to the community through multiple concerts from ensembles with varying playing abilities (beginning band and orchestra, intermediate band and orchestra, middle school orchestra, concert band, elementary choir, combined choir and mariachi). Additionally, students now have the opportunity to enroll in summer music camps for both band and orchestra. To learn more about music education at Zion ESD #6, read our story about the program in the May 2018 issue of Leadership Matters . ISDLAF+MonthlyUpdate Click here to view the most current ISDLAF+ rates, economic indicators and general economic news brief. To obtain additional information regarding this IASA sponsored service, contact Dr. Donald E. Weber, Senior Vice President, Corporate Relations/ISDLAF+ at 630–657–6435. To check daily rates, visit the ISDLAF+ website at www.isdlafplus.com.

Bill Wrenn

MessageFromDr. Orzel About PDOpportunities Dr. Courtney Orzel, current superintendent at Lemont-Bromberek CSD #113A, will begin as IASA’s Associate Director of Professional Development on July 1. On Jan. 31, she wrote a letter to IASA members about upcoming professional development opportunities. Click here to view that letter and learn more about exciting professional development opportunities.


LM February 2020

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