Enrollment: 670 FY18: $236,722 FY20: $138,283 Type: preK–8 FY19: $141,817 How EBF has made a difference Fairfield PSD #112 provided students with more social- emotional support, better access to technology and STEM resources, as well as help in math thanks to an increase in state funding. The district added a guidance counselor this year and implemented a new social-emotional curriculum in an effort to become more trauma sensitive and trauma informed. The passage of EBF also allowed the district to bolster its technology by expanding to 1:1 with Google Chromebooks. Access to STEM resources was improved through the purchase of several 3D printers, as well as new robotics and coding programs and an expansion of Lego Education tools. “If you look at the careers of what our students are going to be going into, it’s not what I saw when I was in school,” said Superintendent Dr. E. Scott England. “They need to be given a chance to create. That’s one of our highest orders of thinking. This is a chance for us to give them that.” Lastly, the district was able to add a seventh grade math position and double block the schedule to give students extra time in math. Continued support of EBF would... Fairfield PSD #112 wants to continue to add more social- emotional supports for students by hiring more staff in the areas of social work and counseling. In addition, continued support of EBF would allow the district to bring back a full-time art program that was lost due to proration in General State Aid. Continued support of EBF would... CCSD #168–Sauk Village’s next goal is to invest in a new curriculum that is more hands on and provides students with increased STEM opportunities. “We needed to shore up what happened in the classroom and provide more support for our families. The next thing is to provide students with a high level of hands-on activities and curriculum that is engaging and will push students to the next level,” Leak said. Fairfield PSD #112
Enrollment: 1,346 FY18: $583,616 FY20: $306,053 Type: preK–8 FY19: $405,509 How EBF has made a difference CCSD #168–Sauk Village has seen increases in local assessment scores “across the board” as a result of an increase in state funding. The district used its EBF dollars to hire two instructional coaches, a reading interventionist, a math interventionist, three social workers, two psychologists and one guidance counselor. “We looked at the indicators in the EBF formula and invested our dollars in the areas that had the most significant impact on student success,” said Superintendent Dr. Donna Leak. The instructional coaches have been pivotal in changing teaching and learning methods throughout the district. Teachers now regularly meet and discuss classroom strategies and use data to better inform decisions. Adding reading and math interventionists has also provided students with another level of support to help them stay on track. In order for the new academic supports to be successful, CCSD #168–Sauk Valley needed to address chronic absenteeism. The combination of social workers, psychologists and guidance counselor has been pivotal to that effort because it significantly boosted the level of social-emotional support the district could offer students. “We are able to do so much more than just a phone call,” Leak said. for preschool students. Due to limited financial resources, parents were responsible for dropping off and picking their children up from school. Continued support of EBF would... Continued state funding would allow Casey-Westfield CUSD #4C to hire an art teacher at the elementary level and add a second music instructor. The district would also like to expand foreign language opportunities for students, as well as provide more opportunities for students to learn coding and robotics. In addition, the district has maintenance needs throughout the two school buildings that will need to be addressed. CCSD #168–Sauk Villiage
LM February 2020
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