How to use new IASA website

User Guide to the new IASA website Website:

Log In

Enter your user name and password to sign in. This information was emailed to you. If you do not have the information, use the “Forgot My Password” button next

to Sign In. Your User Name is your last name, first letter capped and the rest lower case and your IASA

Membership record number. For instance Lola Smith with IASA record number 1234 would have a User Name of Smith1234. Please note that if you enter an incorrect username/password 5 times, you will be locked out and will need to contact IASA.

Home Page

The new IASA Home Page offers you a wealth of information in a user-friendly and organized manner. From here you can go to different sections on the website, including About IASA, Professional Development, Government Relations, Communications Membership and Programs/Partners. Each of these links has additional links that you can go to by hovering over the menu.

Website Menu

Located at the top of the Home Page as well as every other page on the website, you can link to any other section of the website. The menu will connect you to Home, About IASA, Professional Development, Government Relations, Communications, Membership and Programs/Partners. From the About IASA menu, you can go to: What is IASA, Board of Directors, Representative and other Committees, About the Executive Director, IASA Staff, IASA Past Presidents, Directions to the IASA Offices, Awards and Scholarships, IASA Regions and Map, IASA Store, AASA. From the Professional Development menu, you can go to: PD Calendar of Events, Academy Descriptions, Conferences, Dr. Voltz’s Ed Leadership Thoughts, Superintendent’s Corner, New Superintendents, IASA School for Advanced Leadership, Video Library, Warfield/Broncato Scholarship and Twitter.

From the Government Relations menu, you can go to: Capitol Watch, Superintendent’s Toolkit, Alliance Legislative Reports, IASA Position Statements, Alliance and Political Action Committees. From the Communications menu, you can go to: Leadership Matters, Daily News Briefs, 2013-2014 School Year Calendar, Illinois School Referenda, Intent to Strike, Recent Court Decisions and Legal Clips from NSBA, Membership Directory, Illinois School Superintendent Survey Report and IASA Annual Report. From the Membership menu, you can go to: Membership Categories, Active Member/Benefits/Services and the Membership Directory. From the Programs/Partners menu, you can go to: Sponsored Programs, Corporate Partners, SB 7 Performance Rankings File Tool, Principal Evaluation Tool, iPad Teacher Observation Tool and Education and Government Links.

Sign Out, Edit Account Settings, My Passkeys

This will show only Member login until you are logged in. Once you are logged in, you will see the menu items above. Click Sign Out to sign out of

the website. Click Edit Account Settings to change your personal information, or change your password. You can also create a Passkey so you won’t have to log in separately to the Superintendent’s Corner. Simply click on My Passkeys and click on Add New Passkey and then click on IASA Superintendent’s Corner.

Rotating Photos

A selection of rotating photos keep the most current and pertinent information visible and easily accessible directly from the front page. Simply click on the large photo in the center and you will be directed to more information on that topic. Current rotating photos include Vision 20/20, IASA News Briefs, Illinois Education Job Bank, Leadership Matters, and Dr. Voltz’s Ed Leadership Blog.


Directly to the right of the rotating photos is current IASA News. Here you will find pertinent and timely information that is updated in a timely manner. Click on the title of each article to view the entire article.

Twitter Feed

A live Twitter feed from IASA is directly under the Rotating Photos. Click on the Follow button to follow IASA@IllinoisASA. In addition, other education related tweets may be re-tweeted here as well.

Upcoming Events

A calendar of Upcoming Events is also located directly under the Rotating Photos. The calendar will always default to the current date. You can click on any of the links for additional information. Click on View Calendar at the bottom to see the current month’s view with the ability to go to other months as well. You can click on these items as well for additional information.

Quick Links

If you are looking for a specific item on the IASA website, Quick Links will take you directly to any of the following links: IPAC, Superintendent’s Corner, SB Performance Rankings Tool, Principal Evaluation Tool, iPad Teacher Observation Tool, Illinois Schools Employee Benefits Consortium,

Site Icons

Directly above IASA News you will find another set of menu items. These include Sign Out, Edit Account Settings and My Passkeys.

Contact icons

Small icons across the top of the Rotating Photos will give you access to different Contact information. If you hover your mouse over the icon, it will tell you what each of them is. From left to right, RSS, Contact information including IASA staff, IASA Calendar of events with links, IASA Twitter feed.

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