IASA Annual Report 2020-21
Annual Report 2020–21
About IASA The Illinois Association of School Administrators is the premier advocacy organization for school administrators in the state. Since 1946, the IASA has offered Illinois school administrators the opportunity to join with colleagues throughout the state to improve the quality of public education in Illinois and to maintain the high standards of their profession. To encourage networking, the state has been divided into 21 IASA Regions. Each region schedules regular meetings at the local level. Each region also selects or elects individuals to represent their region on the IASA Board of Directors and to serve as representatives on IASA’s five representative committees.
IASA is a state-chartered association of the American Association of School Administrators (AASA). The two associations work cooperatively in a number of endeavors to serve the needs of members in the local, state and national arenas. IASA members are encouraged to join the AASA and to become active members in its programs and services, but dual membership is not a requirement. The IASA is involved in many things from child advocacy to lobbying, and from publications to professional development programs. However our main goal is individual member care and service, including personal
counseling and mentoring as well as access to confidential contract and credential reviews.
Contents President’s Message. .......................................................................5 Executive Director’s Note. .............................................................. 6 Membership Benefits. .......................................................................8 Other Programs...................................................................................11 2020–2021 IASA Membership Reports.......................................14 2020–2021 IASA Board of Directors............................................16 Region Presidents.............................................................................19 Governing Board and Committees............................................. 20 IASA Platform ................................................................................... 25 Continuous School Service Members....................................... 26
Corporate Partners..........................................................................27 IASA Past Presidents..................................................................... 28 IASA Staff .......................................................................................... 29 IASA Regional Boundaries Map................................................... 30 Annual Business Meeting Minutes— 2021 Report of the Secretary........................................................31 Independent Auditor’s Financial Summary. ........................... 32 Awards and Leadership. ............................................................... 33 IASA Bylaws. ..................................................................................... 36
Message From the President
With the 2020–21 school year in the rear-view mirror, it is time to reflect on what we lived through as superintendents. There were unprecedented challenges and setbacks, but superintendents continued to show resilience and flexibility, as well as a unique ability to get the job done
on how we face each day and, hopefully, we choose to make every day a great one, not only for us but for our students, teachers, aides, secretaries, bus drivers, custodians and cooks. There is only one superintendent in each school district. At some point, at least four (but hopefully seven) elected school board members made the decision that we were the best person to lead our school districts. Don’t forget that. To close, I want to thank Dr. Brent Clark for his never- ending leadership and the entire IASA staff for their support of the IASA Board of Directors and the IASA Superintendents during this crazy school year. I can vividly recall attending my first IASA Conference as a new Superintendent almost 20 years ago and being in awe of all of the leadership in the room. I will be finishing my role as IASA President on June 30 and will continue to serve as Superintendent of Monticello CUSD #25 through the end of the 2021–22 school year. I am proud to have served the IASA and will forever be a supporter of our organization. It’s a Great Day to be a SUPERINTENDENT.
when the chips were down. For that, I want to commend and celebrate you for your calm leadership during all of the great and not so great days. As leaders, we have to steer the ship in calm waters and in stormy seas. Superintendents deal with safety plans, weather emergencies, faculty and student deaths, bad employee decisions, CPPRT drops, coal plant closures, social media, bullying, snow-day decisions, split school boards, community input, coach firings, letters to the editor, bussing issues, building closures, unfunded mandates and I could keep going. However, we also get to see kids learning to read, high fives during lunch, dress-up days, birthday treats, art projects, band concerts, students with smiling faces, state championships, hiring brand new teachers, engaging professional development, referendum passages, new facilities, retirements, college scholarships and graduates coming back to see us. While we sometimes tend to focus on the bad days, there are really many more good ones to think about. We have a choice
Dr. Vic Zimmerman IASA President 2020–2021
After an incredibly challenging school year, I hope everyone can take some time off and recharge your batteries. Superintendents endured an incredible amount of stress, and it’s imperative for your physical, mental and emotional health to
provided school leaders professional development on how to implement more culturally responsive practices in their districts. Other workshops and academies—Mindfulness Matters, PERA/Evaluations and SB7/RIF, Health Life Safety Compliance, Budgeting Basics, Tax Levy Basics, Coaching Leaders and Moving from Good to Great—were well received and provided members with support and guidance. IASA also held its first-ever virtual conference in April, bringing together superintendents across the state. Women in Leadership continued to grow, with five webinars aimed at helping female principals and administrators prepare for the transition into the superintendency. Other highlights included sharing 91 stories with the General Assembly and governor’s office on how Evidence-Based Funding is Making a Difference in schools. The expansion of Legal Services—via articles in Leadership Matters, the IASA Podcast and legal seminars—also improved IASA’s support to members. Lastly, I want to conclude by recognizing the IASA Board of Directors and thank them for their support, strength and vision. FY 2021 was a challenging year, but we stayed together and remained committed to the IASA vision of maximizing educational success for all students. Our resolve will be tested again in FY 2022, but I have no doubt the same passion and commitment will remain. Yours for better schools,
take some time off. Your school districts and communities are once again going to need the strong leadership each of you provides to address the immense challenges that lie ahead. Meanwhile, IASA remains committed to providing members support and resources to navigate these unparalleled times. We plan to continue to offer timely workshops to help superintendents get centered and refocused. In addition, counseling services are still available to IASA Active members via a private provider, ComPsych ® . Information about how to access the service was emailed to active members and can be resent upon request. IASA evolved and changed in FY 2021. Most notably, the IASA COVID-19 Transition Team provided school leaders with actionable tools, timely messaging, positive encouragement and unwavering support. The Transition Team remains committed to helping school leaders during the 2021–22 school year. Furthermore, IASA’s professional development offerings significantly expanded this past year. IASA launched three rounds of our Remote Learning Rescue Series, attracting more than 1,000 educators over three sessions. The two-part workshop series, What’s Race Got to Do With It,
Dr. Brent Clark IASA Executive Director
Executive Director’s Note
Member Benefits The IASA membership continues to hold steady with more than 1,070 active members and over 1,700 total members, including over 500 retired members, school service
professional stress. The IASA Legal Support Program works in concert with and independently from the AASA legal assistance program. The legal support to qualifying members, in cases of employment contract/due process disputes with employers, is in the form of direct access to IASA Associate Director/General Counsel Chad Watkins and/or private counsel through a formula-driven financial reimbursement of private attorney fees. Further, IASA continues to provide the Return of Dues Program to its members. This program is a self-funded insurance program that reimburses the estate of a deceased member, the regular and/or retired dues paid to the Association for the most recent 10 consecutive years. The Return of Dues Program lapses in the 11th year of retirement. Both programs (legal support and return of dues) operate within the financial parameters set many years ago, that of being funded from interest earned by the fund accounts. Job Bank SM The newly-designed Illinois Education Job Bank SM continues to expand in use by both employers and job seekers, and is the leading Internet educational job posting service in Illinois. More than 870 Illinois school districts and 158 other educational institutions are utilizing the Job Bank’s services. In cooperation with the Job Bank SM , the IASA Interim Education Service Corps provides retired members access to full-time, part-time and interim education employment opportunities. Professional Development IASA is deeply committed to strengthening the work of superintendents and preparing future leaders. Under the direction of Associate Director of Professional Development Dr. Courtney Orzel, we offer personalized and on-demand professional development for superintendents, administrators, principals and teachers. Every workshop or academy IASA offers is led by an experienced and knowledgeable practitioner. Our full
members and full-time professors. The IASA welcomed 70 new superintendents for the 2020–21 school year. While two of these individuals transferred from another state, 68 rose through the ranks of the Illinois public school system. The association provides valuable member benefits and services that school administrators need day-to-day in their decision-making and leadership guidance roles in the school districts in which they serve. IASA is the state’s premier advocacy organization supporting leaders in the pursuit of educational excellence through continued school improvement. Field Services Directors IASA Field Services Directors Ralph Grimm, Dr. Gary Kelly, Dr. William H. Phillips, Diane Robertson, Victoria Tabbert and Dr. Gary T. Zabilka provide a wide array of services ranging from mentoring new superintendents to providing group and one-on-one assistance to superintendents. The IASA Field Services Directors also assist superintendents with resources, training and relevant member services. To access a detailed state map of assigned Field Service Director areas, click here. Personal Services No report on the programs and services would be complete without mentioning the personal services provided to IASA members. These services, though well known by the members, are not reported in any specific detail in order to protect the confidentiality of those members who access these services. For example, the executive director and administrative team are just a phone call away to assist members who need guidance in matters ranging from issues of school administration and communications issues to matters concerning individual employment contracts. Legal Support & Return of Dues The Legal Support and Return of Dues programs assist members during times of intensive personal and
IASA School for Advanced Leadership Fourteen years ago, an idea was pitched to create a learning opportunity for Illinois superintendents and was initially billed as the University of IASA. Eleven years ago, that idea began to be transformed into a plan and was soon named the IASA School for Advanced Leadership (ISAL). On December 3, 2010, the initial ISAL class gathered at the IASA headquarters in Springfield to start the maiden voyage of what we believe has been a superior learning experience. The program culminated in August of 2012 with the graduation of 23 ISAL fellows, a talented and diverse group of school leaders that underwent a rigorous two-year immersion into adaptive leadership learning experiences accompanied by highly trained coaches. At this point in time, five ISAL classes and a total of 123 ISAL fellows have successfully completed the two-year cohorts. The ISAL V cohort was launched in January of 2019 with 26 members and a virtual graduation was held in June. The IASA School for Advanced Leadership continues to accomplish its mission by providing quality professional development for practicing superintendents in unique and challenging ways. The two-year ISAL cohort includes: • A professional coach; • Developing a personalized professional growth plan for student achievement; and • Conducting a comprehensive needs assessment to determine district and leadership needs. ISAL also studies the superintendent’s role through five leadership lenses: facilitator of shared moral purpose, change agent, relationship/culture promoter, capacity builder, and coherence maker. Superintendents needing more information can contact ISAL’s Facilitator, Dr. Gary Zabilka. Communications Members have direct access to Jason Nevel, Director of Social Media and Publications, for consultation and
slate of academies are designed to help educators fulfill state requirements for administrator academy credits and evaluator credentials. We also take pride in offering timely workshops that meet the ever-changing needs of superintendents, as well as help school leaders get refocused and rejuvenated. During 2020–2021, IASA produced almost 300 academies, workshops, conferences, webinars and other presentations, serving 10,400 attendees. Aspiring Superintendent Academy The IASA Aspiring Superintendent Academy (ASA) is a week-long academy designed for administrators seeking to become a superintendent. Each day includes sessions dealing with topics on School District Leadership, Communications Strategies, School District Planning and Operations, School Finance, Advocacy and Law and Action Planning and Next Steps. Since the program launched in July 2016, 175 principals, assistant superintendents and other central office school administrators have attended this week-long boot camp. The next Academy is scheduled for July 5–9, 2021 in Springfield. New Superintendent Services The IASA New Superintendents’ Conference was attended virtually by 55 superintendents in July of 2020. The event is complimentary and is a perfect opportunity to connect with other first-year superintendents, gather vital information and build a support network for your first year on the job. The two-day conference covers a variety of topics, including board relations, school finance, technology, media relations and personal health. IASA Mentoring Program During 2020–21, IASA provided mentors to 70 new superintendents and more than 138 second- and third- year superintendents. We are pleased to provide first-year superintendents with this service at no cost.
Member Benefits ...continued
assistance in developing talking points, media statements or messages to parents. In addition, IASA’s online monthly magazine, Leadership Matters , is one of IASA’s main communications vehicles. The magazine includes messages from IASA Executive Director Dr. Brent Clark, as well as stories about innovative, successful programs from peers throughout the state and issues important to public education in Illinois. Ways to Stay Connected with IASA There are a variety of ways you can stay connected with IASA. Twitter: Follow IASA on Twitter @IllinoisASA or follow Executive Director @docclark05, Director of Governmental Relations @ IllinoisASAGR, Director of Professional Development @drorzel and Legal Counsel @ChadPWatkins. Facebook: Follow IASA on Facebook by “liking” the Illinois Association of School Administrators page. Website: The IASA Website (www.iasaedu.org) is the source for a quick intel briefing for members featuring news and access to information you can’t get anywhere else. Find a live Twitter feed, a calendar of events, details on upcoming professional development programs, online registration for conferences, comprehensive video and podcast library and access to all IASA publications as well as a member’s only access to documents. Eye on Education: This resource continues to be popular with members. Track late breaking news and information through the electronic news feed Eye On Education delivered to you daily via email. IASA Mobile App: The IASA App is the easiest way to access information about IASA programs and services. The app is free to use and can be downloaded on Google Play, the Apple App Store (search for IllinoisASA). IASA Podcasts: IASA on a regular basis produces podcasts on important issues facing public education in Illinois. You can access these podcasts at iasaedu.org, the IASA mobile app, or by subscribing on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or other places
you get podcasts. Tune in frequently to hear interviews with special guests providing insight on important education- related issues. If you haven’t done so already, you’ll want to check out this new tool! Legislative Advocacy IASA has a full-time Director of Governmental Relations, Diane Hendren, to track legislation in the General Assembly and advocate on behalf of our members. Timely updates and political analysis are provided to members through reports. Lobbying activities are coordinated with the other members of the Illinois Statewide School Management Alliance, including the Illinois Association of School Boards, the Illinois Principals Association and the Illinois Association of School Business Officials. Members also receive a guide to members of the General Assembly and constitutional officers as well as meetings and seminars with elected and government officials. Networking Opportunities with Colleagues The IASA Annual Conference is held in the fall of each year. In addition to national-level speakers and professional development opportunities, this event offers unique opportunities to network with colleagues from around the state. Monthly region meetings offer regular opportunities to communicate with peers about timely issues common to educational leaders. IASA Annual Conference The IASA Annual Conference offers members the opportunity to hear from nationally known speakers as well as participate in breakout sessions and other professional development opportunities. The 2020 fall conference was rescheduled due to the COVID-19 pandemic and was held virtually April 7–9, 2021. The 2021 Annual Conference is scheduled for September 29–October 1, 2021 at the President Abraham Lincoln Springfield—A Doubletree By Hilton Hotel and the BOS Center in Springfield, IL.
Other Programs Future Green Energy Consortium
cloud-based business intelligence software, interactive visuals and a collaborative analytics engine. For more information, visit www.forecast5analytics.com. The Illinois Energy Consortium The Illinois Energy Consortium, a joint energy-purchasing consortium sponsored by IASA, IASB and Illinois ASBO, provides utilities to Illinois school districts at lower costs. It is the Midwest’s largest energy purchasing pool. The IEC board consists of the executive director and three representatives from each of the sponsoring associations. For more information, visit www.illec.org. ISEBC & MSEBP The Illinois Schools Employee Benefits Consortium (ISEBC) and the Metropolitan Schools Employee Benefits Program (MSEBP) include a proprietary fully insured, comprehensive group health insurance plan that offers member school districts the opportunity to provide employees health benefits at affordable prices. The customizable benefit packages include flexibility with coverage and deductibles, life insurance, short- and long-term disability, dental, vision and COBRA among other features. ISEBC serves all counties statewide with the exception of Cook and the collar counties. The MSEBP serves the Cook and collar counties. BuyBoard BuyBoard is an online purchasing cooperative designed to streamline the purchasing process and help members make confident buying decisions. It is a free, value-added service that is available to IASA members. BuyBoard leverages the power of a nationwide network of purchasers to drive down prices of commodities, goods, and services. Because of this, IASA members are able to leverage better pricing from vendors. There are many well-known brand names on the product list. Members can place orders on the secure website or fax purchase orders for same-day processing. For more information visit: https://www.buyboard.com/ home.aspx.
The Future Green Energy Consortium is a joint initiative of IASA, IASB and IASBO to provide members with renewable power solutions at a low cost. FGEC is flexible, offering districts several options that can lower your bill even more and transition your district to on-site solar energy. Learn more about Future Green by visiting www.future-green.org. ISDLAF+ The Illinois School District Liquid Asset Fund Plus (“The Fund”) offers a variety of opportunities to school districts for the investment and management of funds, which includes school districts and community colleges in Illinois. Since its inception, ISDLAF+ is the only investment program sponsored by three separate benchmark associations: IASA, Illinois ASBO, and IASB. Each recognizes the fund as being powerfully and uniquely suited to the needs of Illinois school districts—providing the ideal mix of safety, liquidity, and yield. For more information, visit www.isdlafplus.com. P-Card The P-Card (Procurement Card) Program continues to grow each year. A popular benefit of the program is the rebate that is given to each participating school district. Rebate amounts are based on the total volume each school spends. In addition, the P-Card streamlines the purchasing process, reduces the purchase order paperwork, increases budget and internal controls, provides better reporting, and reduces the cost of making monthly payments to vendors. While it looks like a credit card, the P-Card does not have a revolving monthly credit. The balance is paid in full every month. For more information about this IASA, IASB, Illinois ASBO, and IPA sponsored program, visit illinois-pcard.com. 5Sight The “5Sight” Tool developed by Forecast5 Analytics is a dynamic business intelligence tool that allows school districts to drive decisions with competitive insight and peer analysis opportunities. The Forecast5 platform includes
Other Programs ...continued
Renaissance Renaissance is dedicated to helping grow student’s reading and math skills through, myOn and Freckle. myOn provides access to over 13,000 enhanced digital fiction and nonfiction books, with unlimited access on any device. The tools help build literacy skills while providing real-time actionable data to monitor reading behavior and growth. To learn more about myON, visit: www.renaissance.com/ products/myon /. Freckle offers a suite of easy-to-use tools across Math, ELA, Social Studies and Science. With Freckle Math, teachers spend less time manually differentiating their lessons and more time helping their students grow by providing age-appropriate challenges, from Number Basics to Algebra 1. To learn more about Freckle, visit: www.freckle.com. CrisisGo CrisisGo delivers technology that supports schools and districts’ efforts to prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from critical situations. The CrisisGo incident management platform can be used to digitize safety response plans and support threat assessment teams. The system includes instant emergency alerts, communication, status checks and reunification tools. CrisisGo reduces response times and drives efficiency and situational awareness to save time in an emergency. Visit crisisgo.com to learn more. SchoolGuard SchoolGuard ® , developed by Guard911, is a smartphone app that provides a panic button for teachers and staff on their phone by immediately alerting nearby law enforcement through the Hero911 ® rapid-response network, while
simultaneously calling 911 with the touch of a single button. Guard911 is a sponsored program. There is a one- time only setup/activation fee with a monthly service fee thereafter which includes unlimited, approved users. The app is designed to protect K–12 schools against senseless acts of violence by shortening the police notification and subsequent response time. Workers Compensation Self-Insurance Trust, Illinois School District Agency As the current insurance marketplace continues to contract and there are fewer options for Illinois Public Schools, the Workers’ Compensation Self-Insurance Trust (WCSIT) and Illinois School District Agency (ISDA) are ready to provide quality programs and services for their members, just as they have done for a combined 60-plus years. WCSIT and ISDA (collectively WCSIT * ISDA) continuously strive to make coverage choices easier and more cost- effective for Illinois schools by offering extensive options. Additionally, WCSIT * ISDA has a dedicated staff with years of experience serving schools and providing loss control services to help reduce potential risks and claims. Visit https://www.wcsit-isda.com to learn more.
2020–21 Membership Reports: IASAMembership Growth IASA Regional Membership Analysis
Membership Growth
Since FY 2000:
Active and Full-Time Professors School Service Retired
#of members
#of members
2020–2021 IASA Active and Full-Time Professor Membership Analysis: The following chart shows a breakdown of the 2020–2021 Active and Full-Time Professor membership categories. 819 superintendents are IASAmembers, or over 97%of the state’s 855 operating school districts.
Superintendents Assistant Superintendents Regional Superintendents and
14% 7% 3%
Assistant Regional Superintendents University Staff, Principals and Others
Regional Membership Analysis The following chart shows the 2020–2021 membership for Active and Retired Members by Regions. Active and Full-Time Professors Retired TOTAL # of members in region: 10 0 30 20 40 50 60 70 80
%of SUPERINTENDENTS who are members, by region:
100%* 98%* 100%*
Abe Lincoln
Central IL Valley
Cook North
Cook South
Congratulations to: Blackhawk Central IL Valley Corn Belt DuPage Egyptian Lake Northwest Three Rivers Two Rivers Wabash Valley andWestern Regions
100%* 100%* 100%* 96%* 91%* 100%* 100%* 100%* 100%* 98%* 91%* 98%* 100%* 100%* 98%*
Corn Belt
for achieving 100% * superintendent membership * % indicates superintendent members only
Starved Rock
Three Rivers
Two Rivers
Wabash Valley
Out of state
Total # of members in region:
2020–2021 IASA Board of Directors Officers
President-Elect Dr. Jeff Stawick Superintendent CCSD #146
Past President Paula Hawley Retired
President Dr. Victor Zimmerman Superintendent Monticello CUSD #25
Secretary and Illini Barbara Thompson
Treasurer and Central Illinois Valley Dr. Roger L. Alvey Superintendent Illini Bluffs CUSD #327
Superintendent Fisher CUSD #1
2020–2021 IASA Board of Directors Members
Cook South Dr. James M. Gay Superintendent Cons HSD #230
Blackhawk Dr. Jay Morrow Superintendent United Twp HSD #30
Cook North Dr. Judith A. Hackett Superintendent NW Suburban Sp. Ed. Org.
Abe Lincoln Tip Reedy Superintendent Williamsville CUSD #15
Egyptian Jeff Fetcho Superintendent Hamilton County CUSD #10
Cook West Dr. Timothy B. Kilrea Superintendent Lyons Twp HSD #204
Corn Belt Gary R. Tipsord Superintendent LeRoy CUSD #2
DuPage Dr. John Corbett Superintendent Wood Dale SD #7
Northwest Timothy J. Schurman Superintendent Chadwick-Milledgeville CUSD #399
Lake Julie A. Schmidt Superintendent Kildeer Countryside CCSD #96
Kishwaukee Brent O’Daniell Superintendent Genoa-Kingston CUSD #424
Kaskaskia Dr. Scott E. Doerr Superintendent Nokomis CUSD #22
2020–2021 IASA Board of Directors Members ...continued
Shawnee Stephen Murphy Superintendent Carbondale CHSD #165
Southwestern Michael S. Sutton Superintendent Highland CUSD #5
Three Rivers Dr. Scott Goselin Superintendent Bradley SD #61
Starved Rock Dr. Steven R. Wrobleski Superintendent La Salle-Peru Twp HSD #120
Two Rivers Dr. Kevin Blankenship Superintendent Scott-Morgan CUSD #2 & Winchester CUSD #1
Wabash Valley Julie Kraemer Superintendent Hutsonville CUSD #1
Western Dr. Michelle Lee Superintendent LaHarpe CSD #347 and Dallas ESD #327
At Large Director Dr. Kimako Patterson Superintendent Prairie-Hills ESD #144
Region Presidents CHAIR Dr. Victor Zimmerman, Superintendent, Monticello CUSD #25 ASSOCIATE CHAIR Dr. Jeff Stawick, Superintendent, CCSD #146
REGION Abe Lincoln
Curtis Nettles, Superintendent, Clinton CUSD #15
Blackhawk Dr. Jay Morrow, Superintendent, United Twp HSD #30 Central IL Valley Dr. Chad Wagner, Superintendent, Elmwood CUSD #322 Cook North Dr. Cindy Whittaker, Superintendent of Fairview SD #72 Cook South Dr. Kimako Patterson, Superintendent, Prairie-Hills ESD #144 Cook West
Dr. Kevin Skinkis, Superintendent of Riverside-Brookfield Twp HSD #208
Corn Belt
Dr. Ryan McGuckin, Superintendent, Woodland CUSD #5
Dr. Jon Bartelt, Superintendent, Bloomingdale SD #13
Keith John Hagene, Superintendent, Pinckneyville CHSD #101
Dr. Lindsey Hall, Superintendent, Mahomet-Seymour CUSD #3
Dr. Wes Olson, Superintendent, Bond County CUSD #2
Dr. Travis McGuire, Superintendent, Hinckley Big Rock CUSD #429
Robert Gold, Superintendent, Big Hollow SD #38
Sheri Smith, Superintendent, Forrestville Valley CUSD #221
Shawnee Larry Lovel, Superintendent, Trico CUSD #176 Southwestern Matthew A. Stines, Superintendent, Grant CCSD #110 Starved Rock Dr. Matt Seaton, Superintendent, Streator Twp HSD #40 Three Rivers Cathie Pezanoski, Superintendent, Elwood CCSD #203 Two Rivers Timothy Page, Superintendent, A-C Central CUSD #262 Wabash Valley Josh Quick, Superintendent, Robinson CUSD #2 Western
Christopher Janssen, Superintendent, Spoon River Valley CUSD #4
Governing Board and Committees
IASA accomplishments are always tied to the commitment of the IASA Governing Board members working as both individuals and leaders of the various IASA Committees. The Governing Board is the primary decision-making body of IASA, consisting of members of the 21 regions and up to two at-large representatives. IASA has three Super Regions: Northcentral, Northeastern, and Southern. Each consists of seven IASA Regions from which the IASA Governing Board rotationally elects the IASA President. A map indicating the boundaries of the 21 IASA Regions and three Super Regions is included on page 26 of this report. Dr. Victor Zimmerman of Monticello CUSD #25 (Northcentral Super Region) served as President for the 2020-21 year, with Dr. Jeff Stawick of CCSD #146 (Northeastern Super Region) becoming President on July 1, 2021. Dr. Kevin Blankenship of Scott-Morgan CUSD #2 and Winchester CUSD #1 (Southern Super Region) was voted President-Elect and will become President on July 1, 2022. In the event that a Super Region has no candidate for the position of president-elect in any given year, the rotation would then pass to the next Super Region in the rotation. The Super Region that declined to put forth a candidate would be eligible for the election of a president-elect during its next turn in the rotation. For the purpose of running for and holding presidential offices of the IASA, a member’s Super Region will be determined at the time of the election. Should a member move from the Super Region during the time of serving as the IASA President-Elect, President, or Immediate Past-President, it will have no impact on office eligibility. The Governmental Relations and Advocacy Committee (GRAC) continues to function as the legislative workhorse of the Association. Before being brought before the Governing Board for adoption, the GRAC reviews and develops the resolutions and position statements. A current list of the IASA Resolutions and Position Statements are posted on the IASA website. On the federal legislative front, IASA coordinates with the AASA Legislative Corps. The IASA-ISBE Advisory Committee meets regularly with the State Superintendent of Education and members of the ISBE
staff to discuss and review matters of educational policy and programs. The Professional Development Committee is a hands-on, working committee that designs and develops the IASA professional development programs and activities. Even though legislative activities continue to take a high profile position within the IASA, there continues to be a significant amount of activity and need in the area of professional development. In 2007, the Professional Development Committee made a recommendation to the Board of Directors to establish the “Dr. Walter H. Warfield and Dr. Jacob S. Broncato AAC Scholarship” and allow each region to award one scholarship annually. The recipients of this scholarship can attend one IASA Administrators’ Academy Credit course at no cost, which will help to ensure that they meet the requirements for certificate renewal. In addition to offering courses throughout the school year, the IASA School of Professional Development also offers courses as early bird sessions at the IASA Annual Conference and a special session at the Joint Annual Conference. Established activities for new superintendents continue to be well-attended. IASA continues to work regularly with the IASB, Illinois ASBO and IPA to meet the professional development needs of its respective members. A guiding principle for the work done here is not to duplicate programs that would compete for the limited time and money administrators have to spend on professional development. The Membership and Communications Committee’s focus is on communications and public relations and the recruitment and retention of members in all of the IASA membership categories. Special emphasis remains on all active, school service and new superintendents. As the IASA communications outreach program continues to grow, this committee will serve as a resource and focus group for staff. Although not required, joint membership in AASA is also encouraged. Within the AASA governance structure, Illinois is being represented by five members on the AASA Governing Board.
CHAIR: Dr. Victor Zimmerman, Supt., Monticello CUSD #25 ASSOCIATE CHAIR: Dr. Jeff Stawick, Supt., CCSD #146
Dr. Scott E. Doerr, Supt., Nokomis CUSD #22; Dr. Judith A. Hackett, Supt., NW Suburban Sp. Ed. Org.; and Stephen Murphy, Supt., Carbondale CHSD #165
Abe Lincoln
Dr. DeAnn Heck, Supt., Central A&M CUD #21
Jennifer Gill, Supt., Springfield SD #186
Blackhawk Central IL Valley
Shane Kazubowski, Supt., Wethersfield CUSD #230
Scott Petrie, Supt., Mercer County School District #404
Dr. Chad D. Allison, Supt., IL Valley Central USD #321
Shannon Duling, Supt., Princeville CUSD #326
Dr. Judith A. Hackett, Supt., Northwest Suburban Sp. Ed. Org.
Cook North
Dr. Nancy Wagner, Supt., River Trails SD #26
Cook South
Dr. Anthony M. Scarsella, Supt., Palos CCSD #118
Dr. Von Mansfield, Supt., Homewood Flossmoor CHSD #233
Dr. Jennifer Kelsall, Supt., Ridgewood CHSD #234
Dr. Edward J. Condon, III, Supt., River Forest SD #90
Corn Belt
Mark Hettmansberger, Supt., Odell CCSD #435
Brian Dukes, Supt., Pontiac CCSD #429
Dr. Mary Henderson, Supt., Roselle SD #12
Dr. Jake Chung, Supt., Salt Creek SD #48
Richard E. Towers, Supt., Christopher USD #99
Matt Donkin, Supt., Frankfort CUSD #168
Dr. Jean Neal, Supt., Georgetown-Ridge Farm CUD #4 Phillip Cox, Supt., Salt Fork CUSD #512
Aaron Hopper, Supt./Principal of Panhandle CUSD #2
Michael J. Shackelford, Supt., Brownstown CUSD #201
Lea Damisch, Supt., Marengo Union Elementary CSD #165 Dr. Scott Rowe, Supt., Huntley Community School District #158
Dr. John P. Ahlgrim, Supt., Warren Twp HSD #121
Dr. Brian Harris, Supt., Barrington CUSD #220
Dr. Philip Caposey, Supt., Meridian CUSD #223
Dr. Thomas D. Mahoney, Supt., Oregon CUSD #220
Kathy Clark, Supt., Johnston City CUSD #1
Dr. Steve Webb, Supt., Goreville CUSD #1
Dr. Darcy G. Benway, Supt., O'Fallon Twp HSD #203
Leigh A. Lewis, Supt., Triad CUSD #2
Starved Rock
Michael J. Pillion, Supt., Oglesby ESD #125
Brian M. DeBernardi, Supt., La Salle ESD #122
Three Rivers
Dr. John Palan, Supt., Grant Park CUSD #6
Joe Simpkins, Supt., Richland School District #88A
Two Rivers
Dr. Donna Veile, Supt., Payson CUSD #1
Dr. Kelle S. Bunch, Supt., Liberty CUSD #2
Wabash Valley
Jill Rogers, Supt., Martinsville CUSD #3C
William J. Fritcher, Supt., Neoga CUSD #3
Dr. Mike Curry, Supt., Abingdon-Avon CUSD #276
Angela Simmons-Kenser, Supt./Elem. Prin., CUSD #3 Fulton County
LIAISONS: Dr. William H. Phillips, ICPEA
Thomas F. Leahy, IL Assoc. of School Boards
CHAIR: Dr. Timothy B. Kilrea, Supt., Lyons Twp HSD #204 ASSOCIATE CHAIRS: Dr. Kevin Blankenship, Supt., Scott-Morgan CUSD #2 & Winchester CUSD #1; and Michael S. Sutton, Supt., Highland CUSD #5
CHAIR: Julie A. Schmidt, Supt. Kildeer Countryside CCSD #96 ASSOCIATE CHAIRS: Timothy J. Schurman, Supt., Chadwick-Milledgeville CUSD #399; and Dr. Scott Goselin, Supt., Bradley SD #61
Abe Lincoln
Amanda Geary, Supt., DeLand-Weldon CUSD #57
Jilinda Larson, Supt., New Berlin CUSD #16
Blackhawk Central IL Valley Cook North
Dr. Carl Johnson, Supt., Colona SD #190
Chad Gripp, Supt., Bradford CUSD #1
Dan Mair, Supt./Principal, Germantown Hills SD #69
Dr. Kyle W. Freeman, Supt., Washington CHSD #308
Dr. Michael Connolly, Supt., Wheeling CCSD #21
Dr. Laurie Heinz, Supt., Palatine CCSD #15
Cook South
Dr. Donna Leak, Supt., CCSD #168—Sauk Village
Dr. Tina L. Halliman, Supt., SPEED S.E.J.A. #802
Dr. David Katzin, Supt., Franklin Park SD #84
Kim Petrasek, Supt., Mannheim SD #83
Corn Belt
Toby Coates, Supt., Donovan CUSD #3
Dr. David Mouser, Supt., Tri-Valley CUSD #3
John Langton, Supt., Addison School District #4
Dr. Henry Thiele, Supt., CHSD #99
Brad Lee, Supt., Carmi-White County CUSD #5
Mike D. Denault, Supt., Summersville SD #79
Bonnie McArthur, Supt., Thomasboro CCSD #130
Thomas M. Davis, Supt., Heritage CUSD #8
Kerry Herdes, Supt., South Central CCSD #401
Dr. Jennifer Garrison, Supt., Vandalia CUSD #203
Stephen Wilder, Supt., Sycamore CUSD #427
Dr. Corey Tafoya, Supt., Harvard CUSD #50
Dr. William R. Newby, Supt., Grass Lake SD #36
Dr. Bhavna Sharma-Lewis, Supt., Diamond Lake SD #76
Dr. Tad Everett, Supt., Sterling CUSD #5
Dr. Michael P. Schiffman, Supt., Pearl City CUSD #200
continued above right...
Dr. Terry Ryker, Supt., Herrin CUSD #4
Edwin Shoemate, Supt., Cobden USD #17
Dr. Kelly Carpenter, Supt., Dupo CUSD #196
Dr. Julie M. Brown, Supt., Pontiac-W Holliday SD #105
Starved Rock
Dr. Michael Miller, Supt., Henry-Senachwine CUSD #5
Jodi Moore, Supt., Leland CUSD #1
Three Rivers
Dr. Shannon Dudek, Supt., Morris SD #54
Dr. Theresa R. Rouse, Supt., Joliet PSD #86
Two Rivers
Jessica Jean Funk, Supt., Western CUSD #12
Adam Dean, Supt., Triopia CUSD #27
Wabash Valley
Mark E. Doan, Supt., Effingham CUSD #40
Cathy A. Croy, Supt., Clay City CUSD #10
Jeanne Davis, Supt., Lewistown CUSD #97
Jeff T. Whitsitt, Supt., United CUSD #304
CHAIR Jeff Fetcho, Supt., Hamilton County CUSD #10
CHAIR Dr. Roger L. Alvey, Supt., Illini Bluffs CUSD #327
MEMBERS Julie Kraemer, Supt., Hutsonville CUSD #1
MEMBERS Dr. John Corbett, Supt., Wood Dale SD #7 Dr. James M. Gay, Supt., Cons HSD #230 Paula Hawley, Retired
Brent O'Daniell, Supt., Genoa-Kingston CUSD #424
Dr. Michelle Lee, Supt., LaHarpe CSD #347 and Dallas ESD #327 Dr. Jay Morrow, Supt., United Twp HSD #30 Dr. Kimako Patterson, Supt., Prairie-Hills ESD #144 Tip Reedy, Supt., Williamsville CUSD #15 Dr. Jeff Stawick, Supt., CCSD #146 Barbara Thompson, Supt., Fisher CUSD #1 Dr. Steven R. Wrobleski, Supt., La Salle-Peru Twp HSD #120 Dr. Victor Zimmerman, Supt., Monticello CUSD #25
Looking for the Perfect Candidate? IASA’s Illinois Education Job Bank SM can help you. More than 80,000 job seekers may visit the IASA Illinois Education Job Bank SM in one month. Avoid national sites that cost more and are not tailored to Illinois educators. The IASA Illinois Education Job Bank SM is trusted by superintendents across the state and makes finding qualified applicants to fill permanent, interim, part or full-time vacancies easy. • Set up the RSS feed option to automatically post your district’s vacancy to your district website • The Job Bank SM is set up to automatically send an email notice to your ROE when a position is posted • Easily flag your favorite applicants • Create job posting templates to save you time in the future
If you have any questions about the IASA Job Bank SM or new feature criteria, contact Ashleigh Knudson at 217–753–2213.
IASA Permanent Goals:
To be the most respected and effective educational association in Illinois; and to be the best school administrator’s association in the country.
IASA Platform: • All students must be educated to their fullest potential. • The public school system must provide all students with the opportunity to develop skills and the desire to be lifelong learners. • The continuation of American democracy is predicated on an educated and participatory citizenry. • A quality education is essential for enlightened citizen- ship, purposeful employment, and meaningful life experi- ences. • Public school system graduates must be able to compete successfully in a global economy. • Public education must ensure and actively promote an appreciation for cultural diversity. • Schools must be safe environments. • All citizens must share in the responsibility to support a progressive and technologically advanced public school system. • The State has the primary responsibility for ensuring ade- quate & equitable financing of the public school system. • The appropriation of public funds for education should be limited to the public school system. • School administrators must always strive for an efficient system of quality educational programs and services.
• All educators must work cooperatively to coordinate the talents of all involved in the process of teaching and learning. • Administrators must provide leadership and information to boards of education and other policy makers at the local/state and national levels. • Administrators must involve the whole community in the education of its children. • The school district superintendent is the educational leader of the school district and the community it serves. • The school district superintendent must promote ethnic, racial and gender equity. • The school district superintendent must assist parents in meeting their responsibilities as active participants in the educational process. • The school district superintendent must be an advocate for the employment and maintenance of a quality teach- ing and support staff. • A successful public school system begins with a strong working relationship between the board of education and the superintendent.
School Service Members School Service Membership in IASA sends a clear message that businesses are supportive of the work of IASA and its membership. We at IASA are appreciative of the commitment of the School Service Members and have provided additional recognition to them based on the number of years of continuous membership in four groups: Platinum—20 or more years; Gold—10 to 19 years; Silver—6 to 9 years; and Bronze—3 to 5 years. Thank You!
Ameren Illinois Berg Engineering Consultants, Ltd. Central States Bus Sales, Inc. Chapman and Cutler LLP CTS Group Estes, Bridgewater & Ogden
First Midstate Incorporated Healy, Bender & Associates, Inc. Horace Mann Companies Ideal Environmental Engineering, Inc. Miller, Hall & Triggs, LLC Miller, Tracy, Braun, Funk &Miller, Ltd.
Richard L. Johnson Associates, Inc. The Sandner Group—Alternative Risk Solutions Whitt Law LLC
Whitted Takiff LLC Wight & Company
American Fidelity Baysinger Architects, PLLC Bushue Human Resources, Inc. Cordogan, Clark & Assoc., Inc.
Hauser, Izzo, Petrarca, Gleason & Stillman LLC Hodges, Loizzi, Eisenhammer, Rodick & Kohn LLP Holland Construction Services, Inc. Illinois Energy Consortium Kings Financial Consulting Inc. Klein, Thorpe & Jenkins, Ltd. Phillips & Associates Architects, Inc. PMA Financial Network, LLC
Poettker Construction PFM Asset Management—Illinois Trust Security AlarmCorp. Southern Bus and Mobility, Inc. Stalker Sports Floors Stifel The Egyptian Trust Trane U.S. Inc. Tria Architecture, Inc.
Equitable Advisors Engie Services U.S. ERCA Group, Inc. Forecast 5 Analytics GRP Mechanical Co., Inc.
Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. Blackboard Consortium for Educational Change Hansen & Cleary, LLC BRONZE SILVER Ameresco, inc. American Central Insurance Services eRateProgram, LLC Becker, Hoerner & Ysursa, P.C. Computer Information Concepts, Inc.
Consortium for Educational Change DYOPATH Graham& Hyde Architects, Inc. JMA Architects Lamp Incorporated Latham& Associates Inc.
Lincoln Investment O’Shea Builders Quality Network Solutions Quest Food Management Services, Inc. Zukowski Law Offices
Illinois Public Risk Fund Kriha Boucek, LLC Perfection Property Restoration Raymond James
Renaissance RoomReady TCG Advisors
Corporate Partnerships further the mission of IASA through enhanced opportunities for businesses that supply schools with materials, equipment, programs and services to communicate and otherwise interact with the IASA and its members. The Corporate Partner Events offer excellent opportunities for Corporate Partners to experience quality face-to-face time with school leaders. IASA would like to extend a special thanks to the following Corporate Partners for 2020–2021. We appreciate the dedication and continued support of all IASA School Service Members. If your firm is interested in participating in IASA’s Corporate Partner Program, please contact Cherry Middleton, Director of Operations and Facilities, at 217–753–2213 or email at cmiddleton@iasaedu.org. Corporate Partners
PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE PMA Financial Network, LLC/ISDLAF+ Southern Illinois University WCSIT • ISDA
PLATINUM Ameresco, Inc. American Fidelity Forecast5 Analytics
Illinois Schools Employee Benefits Consortium Metropolitan Schools Employee Benefits Program
GOLD CrisisGo DYOPATH Guin Mundorf, LLC Hodges, Loizzi, Eisenhammer, Rodick & Kohn LLP Horace Mann Companies
Blackboard BuyBoard FGM Architects, Inc. First Midstate Incorporated Kings Financial Consulting, Inc. Miller, Tracy, Braun, Funk & Miller, Ltd. The College Board SILVER
HumanX Ventures Kriha Boucek, LLC Renaissance Stifel
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