IASA Annual Report 2020-21

Annual Business Meeting Minutes 2021 Report of the Secretary The Secretary’s Report consists of the Minutes of the IASA Annual Business Meeting held on April 7, 2021.

sessions serving more than 8300 educators at all levels of K12 and one of IASA’s most popular sessions, “What’s Race Got to do With It” inspired educators from all areas of the state to work and focus on the equity in their own districts. • Also, since IASA last met as a body of members, IASA welcomed the IASA new General Counsel, Chad Watkins. Mr. Watkins has been deeply engaged in contract negotiations and has expanded the IASA Legal Corner, the legal podcast and has arranged panels of school district attorneys to answer questions from many of our superintendents. • IASA, along with other partners, released the Illinois English Learner Handbook for Board of Education members, Superintendents and other district Administrators. • IASA officially graduated the 5th class of Illinois School for Advanced Leadership and IASA went “green” by installing solar panels at the IASA headquarters. Dr. Clark ended his report by noting the heroic leadership of superintendents this year that cannot be learned in a textbook or classroom but rather earned and demonstrated in the arena of life. IASA as an organization has never been in finer condition and that is with the amazing professionals who work to serve Illinois superintendents every day. He noted he counts it a lifetime honor to work as Executive Director of IASA. He added the Board of Directors has stayed steady and led the way all year. A true hallmark of the performance of a high functioning board. A motion was made by Julie A. Schmidt, seconded by Julie Kraemer, to accept the Independent Auditor’s Financial Report Summary as presented in the FY 2020 IASA Annual Report along with acceptance of all reports. The motion was approved by a voice vote. V. Unfinished Business None. VI. New Business None. VII. Adjournment A motion was made by Dr. Judith Hackett, seconded by Dr. Roger Alvey to adjourn the Annual Meeting. The motion carried and the meeting was declared adjourned at 2:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Barbara Thompson Secretary and Illini Region

I. Call to Order and Declare a Quorum is Present—President Vic Zimmerman IASA President Vic Zimmerman called the meeting to order at 2:30 p.m. A quorum of members was present. II. Acknowledgment of Dr. Jason D. Henry as Parliamentarian President Zimmerman appointed Dr. Jason D. Henry, Superintendent of Sesser-Valier Comm #196, to serve as Parliamentarian of the Annual Meeting. III. Approval of the September 25, 2019 Annual Meeting Minutes There being no questions or changes to the minutes, a motion was made by Ms. Paula Hawley, seconded by Mr. Stephen Murphy, to approve the September 25, 2019, Annual Meeting Minutes as presented. The motion carried by a voice vote. A. General Finances of the Association—Dr. Roger Alvey, Treasurer IASA Treasurer Dr. Roger Alvey thanked the Budget Committee members and the Board of Directors for being an integral role in moving IASA forward. He then reported on the general finances of IASA for FY 2020, noting IASA finished the year in sound financial condition. The auditors noted no material findings or irregularities and had no recommendations for internal controls. IASA membership dues remain constant and the Association continues to experience income from many royalties and non-dues revenue sources. B. Executive Director’s Report—State of the Association Report—Dr. Brent Clark, Executive Director IV. 2020 Annual Report

Dr. Brent Clark, IASA Executive Director, presented the State of the Association Report, noting it has been a year and a half since the last Annual meeting. He started his report by stating that on March 13, 2020, Governor JB Pritzker declared that all schools would be closed and asked IASA to form a superintendent support team to help superintendents navigate an unmitigated disaster. Forty-six meetings later, the IASA Covid-19 transition team that started back then is still meeting and working behind the scenes to support superintendents. He noted that, as we look back of over the year: • IASA said goodbye to longtime Associate Director of Professional Development, Dr. Richard J. Voltz and welcomed our new Associate Director of Professional Development, Dr. Courtney Orzel. Since July 1, 2020, IASA has held slightly more than 300 Professional Development


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