IASA Annual Report FY2017
Program works in concert with and independently from the AASA legal assistance program. The legal support to qualifying members, in cases of employment contract/due process disputes with employers, is in the form of direct access to IASA Associate Director/Legal Counsel Sara Boucek and/or private counsel through a formula-driven financial reimbursement of private attorney fees.
Further, IASA continues to provide the Return of Dues Program to its members. This program is a self-funded insurance program that reimburses the estate of a deceased member, the regular and/or retired dues paid to the Association for the most recent 10 consecutive years. The Return of Dues Program lapses in the 11th year of retirement. Both programs (legal support and return of dues) operate within the financial parameters set many years ago, that of being funded from interest earned by the fund accounts. Job Bank The Illinois Education Job Bank sm continues to expand in use by both employers and job seekers, and is the leading Internet educational job posting service in Illinois. More than 750 Illinois school districts and 275 other educational institutions are utilizing the Job Bank’s services. In cooperation with the Job Bank sm , the IASA Interim Education Service Corps provides retired members access to full-time, part-time and interim education employment opportunities at no cost. Professional Development IASA offers a wide array of Administrator Academies, workshops and seminars under the direction of Associate Director for Professional Development Dr. Richard Voltz. The professional development opportunities include such topics as teacher and principal evaluation, board-superintendent relations, school law, school finance, leadership, curriculum, technology, and communications. Through mid-June of this fiscal year, 69 Administrator Academies had been held involving 1,857 participants and another 444 participants had attended one of four workshops that had been presented. Aspiring Superintendent Academy
The inaugural Aspiring Superintendent Academy (ASA) was held in 2017 with 40 attendees, including principals, assistant superintendents and other school administrators. The week-long academy directed by Dr. Michael Lubelfeld (Deerfield SD #109) and Dr. Nick Polyak (Leyden CHSD #212) includes sessions dealing with such topics as School District Leadership, Communication Strategies, School District Operations, Community Engagement and Action Planning and Next Steps.
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