LM Apr 2018
Send your school videos to mschaefer@iasaedu.org . We want to highlight what’s going on in your school districts on our magazine’s Videos from the Districts page. HaveGreatSchoolVideos?
SushilUpadhyayula HighSchoolInnovator
Monthly e-magazine of LeadershipMatters
Join us and learn about the new Evidence-Based Funding model sponsored by the Illinois Association of School Administrators, the Illinois Education Association, the Illinois Federation of Teachers and the Illinois Association of School Business Officials. These sessions will help de-mystify the new law and help our districts and unions work together to accomplish great things for students. UNION PRESIDENTS AND SUPERINTENDENTS
Wednesday, April 11, 2018 Noon to 2 p.m. Arlington Heights SD #214 2121 South Goebbert Road Arlington Heights, IL 60005
Monday, April 23, 2018 1-3 p.m. Mt. Vernon Twp HSD #201 11101 N. Wells Bypass Road (Schweinfurth Theater) Mount Vernon, IL 62864
Tuesday, April 24, 2018 10 a.m. to Noon Joliet Jr. College 1215 Houbolt Road
Monday, April 30, 2018 1-3 p.m. Crowne Plaza 3000 South Dirksen Parkway (Sapphire Room, 2nd Floor) Springfield, IL 62703
(U Auditorium) Joliet, IL 60431
Registration for these sessions is not necessary.
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