LM Apr 2023 hi

School Safety


SCHOOL SAFETY DAY OF LEARNING IASA is proud to partner with leading school safety experts to offer members a virtual Day of Learning on April 12. This free event is the perfect opportunity to learn the latest news, top practices and advice from school safety officials and school administrators without having to leave your district.

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28 18 Members On The Move

SAFE Moon Scholarship 2022–23 Winners IASA FY 24 Membership Drive Keep Illinois Learning with Renaissance IASA Annual Conference: Keynotes Announced; Submit Breakout Proposal IASA News in Brief

8 9

Elevating Education Highlights Dr. Charles Johns, Curt Nettles


Education Elevat g

Legal Corner: Contract Renewals and Extensions FAQ




20 IASBO: Preparing FY 24 EBF Spending Plan


Volume 11, Issue 4 April 2023 LeadershipMatters 23053 Jason Nevel Director of Social Media and Publications jnevel@iasaedu.org

2648 Beechler Court Springfield, IL 62703-7305 217.753.2213 800 Woodfield Road, Ste. F109 Schaumburg, IL 60173-4717 847.466.5075

Marjorie Gladish Graphic Designer mgladish@iasaedu.org

1200 West Main Street Marion, IL 62959-1138 618.364.0501


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