LM Apr 2023 hi
Milestonesat IASA
Two IASA employees celebrated key milestones in March. Cherry Middleton, IASA’s Director of Operations and Facilities, celebrated 30 years with IASA. Mrs. Middleton oversees day-to-day operations and assists with finances and human resources. She is also the liaison to the IASA Board of Directors, oversees the Corporate Partner Program and helps plan the Annual Conference. Jodi Gillespie celebrated 15 years with IASA. Ms. Gillespie supports the IASA General Counsel and Director of Operations and Facilities. Other duties include accounts receivable and coordinating exhibits at the IASA Annual Conference.
Cherry Middleton
Jodi Gillespie
NewFAFSAwill Debut inDecember
ISBE is partnering with the Region 9 Comprehensive Center to share a new resource to support school districts in delivering cohesive programming through the coordinated use of federal, state, and local funds: Braiding and Blending Federal Funds: A Step-by-Step Guide for Illinois Schools. The guide includes an overview of braiding and blending concepts and provides state-specific guidelines, planning tools, and other helpful resources. This guide can be used as districts prepare to fill out the fiscal year 2024 Consolidated District Plan and consider strategies for sustaining successful programs beyond the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief funds obligation window. Additionally, ISBE will lead an IASBO Lunch and Learn webinar from noon–1 p.m. April 19. The webinar will begin with an overview of the guide and include a panel discussion with staff from the three districts that provided examples. Please note that you may need to create a free Illinois Association of School Business Officials (IASBO) account to register. You will see a link to create an account, if needed. Guide toBraidingandBlendingFederal Funds
A new, simplified version of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA, will debut sometime in December, the U.S. Department of Education has confirmed. Normally, the financial aid form goes live in October every year, but the Education Department is in the process of streamlining the application after Congress approved changes to it in 2020. The redesigned FAFSA will apply to students seeking aid for the 2024–25 academic year. The Education Department’s Office of Federal Student Aid, FSA, also in December will publish a “testing and demonstration” website for counselors and financial aid administrators to help staff, students and families navigate the updated form. Read more here.
ISDLAF+MonthlyUpdate Click here to view the most current ISDLAF+ rates, economic indicators and general economic news brief. To obtain additional information regarding this IASA sponsored service, contact Fenil J. Patel, Senior Vice President, Investment Services/ISDLAF+ at 630–657–6437, or email: fpatel@ pmanetwork.com. Website: www.pmanetwork.com.
LM April 2023
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