LM April 2017
PROVIDE parent learning opportunities
welcometoddlers andpreschoolers toevents
familyneeds eyour decisions K; LISTEN
provide services STARTING AT BIRTH student
FUN family learning activities OFFER
meet families’
needs basic physiological
Anyone with the will to do so can be an educator if we tap into their strengths EMPOWER PARENTS
tobuild cultural responsiveness USE FOCUSGROUPS
CULTIVATE: being fearless tryingout newthings life-long learners life-long readersandwriters agrowthmindset
partnerships is our approach to gaining early educational equity, not only in the area of literacy, but also in social emotional learning and mathematics. Social emotional learning The Zero to Three Policy Center has worked for years to build understanding of the skill development that occurs during crucial early years. Contributing to loving relationships, building independence and self-esteem, identifying feelings, playing with others, communicating effectively, and showing empathy are some of many areas of essential social- emotional development that should grow quickly in early years (Zero to Three, 2017). Parents are natural teachers of these concepts. When parents have great resources and models, they are empowered and that natural education becomes even stronger. This is when parents engage in the
educational process. Through developing partnership with parents, it is our hope that we will move from merely informing parents to engaging parents in learning. Literacy While partnerships between families and the school to promote family literacy is not a new concept, they most often occur after a child has officially entered school. As literacy and language begins to develop at birth, waiting until a child is school-aged to promote a passion for and a skillset for reading and writing results in years of lost
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