LM Aug.2019--19158
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Wednesday, 6–7:30pm President Abraham Lincoln Hotel WELCOMING RECEPTION
NEW SUPERINTENDENTS’ STRAND Wednesday, September 25, 2019 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m......Basic Collective Bargaining—Revised 2018 (AA#1045) 2:45 to 3:45p.m.........NewSuperintendent MentoringMeetings Thursday, September 26, 2019 8 to 9 a.m........................NewSuperintendents’ Roundtable 12:30 to 1:30p.m.........Jumping Right In: Reflections on the First Year (breakout session)
Thursday, 6:45am Washington Park 7TH ANNUAL ‘SUPER’ 5K FUN RUN/WALK
Registration available online For detailed up-to-date conference info such as registration, block housing, daily schedule, complete listings of all conference events and other updates, go to our conferencewebsite .
Thursday Click here for list of services and products exhibited. EXHIBIT HALL
Thursday & Friday Click here for list of topics to choose from and schedule. BREAKOUT SESSIONS
Thursday, 9–11pm President Abraham Lincoln Hotel PRESIDENT’S RECEPTION
Attention Book Authors! If you have authored a book andwould like tomake it available at the IASAAnnual Conference, please contact Jodi Gillespie at jgillespie@iasaedu.org no later thanAug. 23, 2019.
LM August 2019
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