LM August 2016.pub
What you do can change the world
Nelson Mandela’s quote is one of the most powerful descriptions of education I have ever seen. I hope those words help inspire you to stay focused on the truly important issues when you encounter turbulence from Washington, Springfield, the media, the public or even your own school board. Thanks in large part to the professional way in which you the superintendents handled the
Message from the Executive Director Dr. Brent Clark
permutations that we can say with 100 percent confidence that there are no red numbers. Under this plan, every district in the state at a minimum would receive no less per student than they will receive this school year under the FY17 budget. Talking about the new school year, we have compiled a list of the 58 new Illinois school superintendents on pages 22-24. Please take a moment to reach out to the new superintendents in your region to welcome them, offer them support and invite them to attend your region meetings and the IASA Annual Conference. Speaking of the IASA Annual Conference, we have probably the most dynamic and diverse group of keynote speakers ever, from a Paralympian to one of the nation’s leading voices on transforming
state’s budget issue, Pre-K-12 has a budget – the only part of the state budget to be approved for the full year. The way you addressed the issue with your communities and with the press -- professionally and without hysteria -- generated lots of calls to legislators and put an enormous amount of pressure on them to pass a budget for schools. Of course, issues still remain, the most important one probably being the efforts to change the school funding formula. The governor’s School Funding Reform Commission has begun to meet and the early word is that they are going to try and stay focused on the formula itself and equity versus things like tax hikes, a property tax freeze, a cost shift, pension reform and collective bargaining issues. That narrow focus may help the
education in an era of changing demographics to an education
commission avoid the political potholes that have wrecked past attempts at school funding reform, though the task still looks pretty daunting without new revenues. IASA and other stakeholders are
technology “rock star.” Each of them is profiled on Pages 11-17 and I think you will find their stories to be quite intriguing. The lineup of breakout sessions is equally compelling. The dates of this year’s conference are September 28- 30 and you can register by clicking here . We also will be tweeting about the conference using the hashtag
#IASA16 . Best wishes for a successful school year. More than 2.1 million children are counting on us to provide them the best possible educational opportunities regardless of their zip codes or whatever obstacles are placed in our way. IASA stands ready to help with mentoring, professional development, legal assistance, legislative advocacy, crisis communications assistance or in whatever we can. As Nelson Mandela said so eloquently, what you do day by day in your school district can truly change the world.
serving in an advisory capacity to the commission. As you know, we support the Evidence-Based Model for Student Success, which is one of the key elements under the Equitable and Adequate Funding pillar in the Vision 20/20 initiative. We have developed a “Y Draw” video that gives a good 2 ½ -minute overview of the evidence-based model. You can view that by clicking on the icon above. We have not yet released specific district-by- district numbers for the evidence-based model because we want to make sure all of the factors in the formula are finalized, but we have done enough
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