LM August 2023hi

August 2023 Leadership Matters September 27–29, 2023 BOS Center and the President Abraham Lincoln Springfield—A DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel

register now!

Making a Difference: EBF Series Returns

Vision 2030 Seeking Representatives

page 12

page 17


Immerse yourself in an environment that fosters inspiration and sparks innovation in education at IASA’s Annual Conference! The three-day event offers Illinois school administrators a unique networking platform to forge collaborations that can enhance your professional growth. IASA 59TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE

IASA Board Approves Launch of Vision 2030

Your Health Matters by Health Alliance Elevating Education Apply for IL Superintendent of the Year 2024 IASA FY2024 PD Opportunities IASA Welcomes New Illinois Superintendents


13 14 18 16 24

for the Prairie State

EBF Making a Difference: Big Hollow SD #38 and Midwest Central CUSD #191



22 Questions About Compliance Plus? Register for a Webinar  RISK MANAGEMENT Need Help With Compliance? reports





ISBE Systems


New Pilot Program Offers Direct Assistance to Schools

IASA has expanded our team to launch IASA Compliance Plus, a pilot program for the 2023–24 school year designed to help districts save time on compliance matters. Participating districts will receive direct assistance from Cheryl Graff, former Regional Superintendent, and Robert Wolfe, former Chief Financial Officer at ISBE. Cheryl and Robert will help participating schools navigate ISBE financial systems, follow

Developed based on member feedback Member-Driven Initiative IASA created this pilot program in direct response to concerns that compliance has become overly time consuming, documents are difficult to locate and mandates have stockpiled. This program will provide you more time to focus on leading your team and improving student success. state mandates and stay up-to-date on regulatory, employment and licensure requirements.

Volume 11, Issue 7 August 2023 Leadership Matters 23178

Supports offered include: • Navigating ISBE financial systems and website. • Templates and checklists. • Systems for tracking licensure requirements and mandates. • Support and guidance on employment requirements. • Expenditure report assistance. • IARSS Electronic Compliance Instrument/probe.

2648 Beechler Court Springfield, IL 62703-7305 217.753.2213 800 Woodfield Road, Ste. F109 Schaumburg, IL 60173-4717 847.466.5075

Jason Nevel Director of Communications jnevel@iasaedu.org

• Cheryl Graff served as Regional Superintendent in ROE #30 for 6 1 /2 years before retiring. • Robert Wolfe recently retired from ISBE after 33 plus years as Chief Financial Officer. Facilitators

Marjorie Gladish Graphic Designer mgladish@iasaedu.org

1200 West Main Street Marion, IL 62959-1138 618.364.0501

Want to learn more? Click here to register for Aug. 18 Webinar

22 LM August 2023


Scan here with your phone’s QR code reader to get the IASA APP— Don’t have a QR reader? Go to or and search for IllinoisASA.


Message From the Executive Director Feedback From the Field Strengthens IASA, Leads to New Programs and Initiatives

Dr. Brent Clark

Legendary UCLA basketball coach John Wooden strongly believed that one of the requirements to sound leadership is the ability to listen—really listen—to those in your organization. As I reflect on the upcoming IASA Annual Conference, and the different programs and services IASA is currently offering, my mind keeps harkening back to the concept of listening. For example, this year’s lineup of keynote speakers all have an education background. That decision was made directly from feedback received in the post-conference survey. Dr. Jill Siler is a former superintendent who serves a similar role in Texas as Dr. Courtney Orzel serves in Illinois. Adam Welcome is a former principal and Director of Technology in California. Dr. Gene Kerns is an academic researcher, and Merlyna Valentine was a highly regarded school administrator before a medical tragedy changed her life forever. In addition, Illinois educators will once again play a prominent role in this year’s conference. Ignite returns with seven presentations from Illinois superintendents, Dr. Tony Sanders will share his vision for the Illinois State Board of Education and three IASA members will take the main stage to deliver empowering keynote addresses. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to hear from respected educators and forge relationships by registering for IASA’s 59th Annual Conference. Another initiative rooted in listening is the launch of our newest pilot program, IASA Compliance Plus. As I travel our state, I increasingly hear concerns that compliance has become overly time consuming, documents are difficult to locate and mandates have stockpiled. With the support of the IASA Board of Directors, we launched IASA Compliance Plus in July. Participating districts will receive direct assistance from Cheryl Graff, former Regional Superintendent, and Robert Wolfe, former Chief Financial Officer at ISBE. If you have questions about IASA Compliance Plus, IASA is hosting

a free webinar with Cheryl and Robert on Aug. 18 at 10:30 a.m. We want to hear from you on how we can save you time and navigate ISBE and ROE compliance more efficiently. Also happening at IASA is the launch of Vision 2030. For the past three years, superintendents have inquired when IASA would create a new legislative decision making framework in the mold of Vision 20/20. With the pandemic in the rear-view mirror, the IASA Board of Directors approved the launch of Vision 2030 earlier this month. If you missed the email, see page 12 for more information. To close, literacy and school safety are topics I hear discussed out in the field and from state policymakers. As superintendents, I imagine you have also faced questions about the percentage of students reading at grade level and what you are doing to keep student’s safe. Throughout FY 24, IASA will be emphasizing literacy and school safety through advocacy, information and supportive programs. We recently partnered with CrisisGo on a Digital Mapping Bootcamp and are partnering with Renaissance on some events focused on academic recovery. Other opportunities will be announced at a later date. Thank you for feedback and ideas to improve our association. If you have other suggestions to strengthen our association, please let us know. We’re ready to listen. Have a great school year, and I look forward to seeing everyone Sept. 27–29 in Springfield at the IASA Annual Conference.

3 LM August 2023

September 27–29, 2 BOS Center and the President Abraham L A DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel 59TH ANNU

Opening General Session Wednesday 4 p.m.

Thursday 9:15 a.m. Second General Session

Dr. Jill Siler Thrive Through the Five: Leading Through Challengin Times Dr. Jill Siler served as a superintendent in Texas for nearly 10 years before being named Deputy Executive Director for Professional Learning at the Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA) in 2021. Her message will focus on proven strategies for leading through challenging times and navigating shifting learning environments.

Adam Welcome The Time Is Now Adam Welcome is a former teacher, principal and Director of Innovation and Technology for a large school district in the Bay Area of California. He has authored four books ( Kids Deserve It, Run Like A Pirate, Empower Our Girls and Teachers Deserve It ), and hosts three education podcasts. He will dive deep, get personal and provide strategies to implement positive changes for kids.

Dr. Gene Kerns Academic Recovery: Is It Happening? How Do We Embrace It? Dr. Kerns is Chief Academic Officer at Renaissance. His message will focus on how should recovery be defined? Does recovery mean returning to pre pandemic levels of performance or improvement from last year? His presentation will include an analysis on the state of student learning and why it’s critical to accelerate learning and not simply remediate.

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4 LM August 2023

2023 Lincoln Springfield— UAL CONFERENCE

register now!

Friday 10 a.m. Closing Session

Thursday Noon Third General Session

This thought-provoking session includes a series of seven IASA superintendents giving 5-minute presentations on a variety of topics using 15-20 slides. The slogan for Ignite presentations is “Enlighten us, but make it quick!”

Dr. Tony Sanders Dr. Tony Sanders assumed the role of Illinois State Superintendent in late February. He is the former superintendent of SD #U-46, the state’s second largest school district. His presentation will provide an update on the Illinois State Board of Education and his vision for the state agency.

Merlyna Valentine Prove What’s Possible

Merlyna Valentine has been a teacher, assistant principal, principal and Executive Director of Elementary Schools for a high-performing school district throughout her 30 years in education. In 2007, Ms. Valentine was faced with a medical tragedy that changed her life forever. She survived and lives life now as a quad amputee.

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See Next Page for Details About Fourth General Session...


September 27–29, 2023 BOS Center and the President Abraham Lincoln Springfield—A DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel

IASA Member Showcase: Real People, Real Talk Thursday 3 p.m. Fourth General Session Illinois is blessed with talented school leaders who are elevating education and moving their districts forward. Learn more about each leader’s journey in this engaging session.

Dr. PJ Caposey Dr. PJ Caposey is the Illinois Superintendent of the Year and Finalist for National Superintendent of the Year as well as being a best-selling author having written ten books for various publishers. He believes that humility is understanding that everyone has a story—and that most people’s stories are better than yours. By understanding our own story, and examining our self-awareness, we can unlock the key to maximizing our own potential. More importantly, as our self-awareness increases our ability to understand and appreciate everyone else’s story increases ten-fold. The key to leadership starts and ends with our ability to understand ourselves. Dr. Keely Roberts Dr. Keely Roberts was recognized during her superintendency at the diverse Zion, Illinois Elementary District 6 for simultaneous academic student growth, taxpayer savings and advocacy for all. She is also the wife and mother of six whose lives were forever changed in the 2022 mass shooting at the Highland Park, Illinois Fourth of July parade. She personally was shot and seriously wounded, and her young son, Cooper, was also shot and is currently paralyzed because of the injury to his spine. Dr. Roberts has been featured in local and national media talking about the shooting, its impact on Cooper and his twin brother Luke, and her hope that Americans can come together to bring out the good in communities and create more positive environments for all. Chuck Schneider Chuck Schneider has been a superintendent/principal in a small, rural district for the past seven years with prior teaching and leadership experience throughout his 30-plus year career. His presentation will emphasize the maintaining of boundaries and balance between work and personal life. “It’s what we do, not who we are.” Although mental health doesn’t necessarily have a bandage, cast or stitches that doesn’t mean there isn’t an injury. Chuck will share his experience with mental health, and the pivotal role that boundaries and balance played in his recovery.

6 LM August 2023

Tweeting? When tweeting about the IASA Annual Conference

register now!

be sure to use the hashtag: #IASA2023

EARLY BIRD ACADEMY Registration Information The cost is $200 per academy. Sign-in will begin at 8 a.m. and the courses are scheduled from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. The registration fee includes the cost of materials, lunch and entry of AA credit or PD Hours. Cancellation refunds will be granted if the IASA Office receives the cancellation notice seven days prior to the event. If notice is received less than seven days prior to the event, the registration fee will be forfeited. Please register for Early Bird Academies through the Conference registration link at the top of this page.

Early Bird Academies Wed. 8:30am–3pm

Navigating Superintendent and School Board Relationships (AA #3998) Dr. Vicki Tabbert and Dr. Vic Zimmerman, IASA Field Services Directors, retired superintendents The purpose of this course will be to provide participants with an in-depth overview of the topics related to navigating the relationships necessary to lead a school district successfully. This course will offer tools and strategies for leaders to develop the skills needed to successfully navigate the relationship between the Superintendent and School Board. Included in this academy will be an overview of the policies, processes, reflections, and tools needed to foster, build, and create positive school district relationships. new!

School Leader Evaluation: A Growth-Focused Approach (AA #3967) Dr. Kay Dugan, retired assistant superintendent, education consultant

Health Life Safety Compliance: An Administrators Guide to the Fundamentals (AA #3700) Patrick Durley, District Support Officer for ROE #17 and retired Regional Superintendent, ROE #33 Ralph Grimm, IASA Field Services Director, retired superintendent The purpose of this academy is to provide administrators and other school personnel with an in depth look at, and discovery into, topics related to Health Life Safety and Compliance. Uniquely, the presenters provide both perspectives on the issue: Ralph Grimm presents the school superintendent’s view, and Pat Durley, the regional superintendent’s. You will gain a better understanding of all things pertaining to you and related to the processes, and walk away with a number of helpful resource documents and strategies. Looking to grow your school leaders? This session will introduce you to the School Leader Evaluation Plan, a new principal evaluation tool based on the School Leader Paradigm, a research-based framework developed by the School Leader Collaborative, a group of 13 state principal associations from across the country. Grounded in research and best practice with a focus on the leader’s growth, this new plan, piloted during the 2022–2023 school year in Illinois, meets the Illinois statutory principal evaluation requirements.


7 LM August 2023


September 27–29, 2023 BOS Center and the President Abraham Lincoln Springfield—A DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel

register now!

Pre-Conference Sessions Wednesday

New Superintendent Meeting Wednesday 10a.m.–Noon With IASA Field Services Directors

Dr. Gary Kelly

Diane Robertson

Dr. Gary Zabilka

First year superintendents will share how their first 90 days have gone—as well as share some insight and anecdotes of

what they’ve learned and what they have to look forward to for the remainder of their first year. The IASA Field Services Directors will provide support, guidance, and offer suggestions based on their collective years of superintendent experience.

Women In Leadership: Learning, Leading And Living Wednesday 1–3p.m. President Abraham Lincoln Hotel Ballroom Dr. Jill Siler • Increase Your Impact This session begins and ends with us—knowing what we want to DO and who we want to BE and being intentional about discovering and living out our calling. Dr. Jill Siler, author of Thrive Through the Five: Practical Truths to Powerfully Lead through Challenging Times will share strategies to live and lead in a way that allows us to be our best selves at work and home!

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8 LM August 2023

Breakout Sessions Thursday & Friday

Thursday, Sept. 29 8:00–9:00AM • Who let the dogs out? • Mindful Leadership and Resilience:

Friday, Sept. 30 8:30–9:30AM • When Your World Turns Upside Down– How Do We Navigate This? • Our District’s Journey to Boldly Moving 15 Forward • School-Community Partnership: Parents to Paras to PEL • Building a Support Network in the Superintendency • Superintendent’s Guide to Recruiting, Hiring and Evaluating a School Business Official • Sunsetting Your Superintendency • Designing for Change: A Framework for District Leadership to Foster Agency and Collaboration • All Improvement Requires Change, Not All Change is an Improvement • Montgomery County CTE Partnerships

Leading with Well-Being in Mind • Navigating the Reading Wars • The Promise of Public Education: A Promise Worth Keeping • Everything I’ve Learned about Leadership in 32 Years • Beyond Compliance: Creating a Future-Focused Program that Empowers Students, Enhances Communities, and Prepares for High-Demand Careers • Leading Through Poverty, On Purpose and For Good • Building Student Skills Through Hands-On Projects • School Leader Evaluation: A Growth Focused Approach 1:45–2:45PM • Developing a Bond Proposal: Passing on the First Try • Meaningful Leadership: Lessons For Improving Equity through the Lens of Black Families • United States Rural School Safety Project • Elevating the Conversation Around Public Education. • Empathetic Navigation of the IEP Process: Parental Resources, Support, and Advocacy for Students Requiring Additional Care • Harnessing AI for a Human-Centered Education–Discussion & Frameworks for Educational Leadership • Using Your Building as a Work-Based Tool for Industry-Relevant Learning and Teacher Development • Bloomington District 87’s Journey– A Homegrown path to DEI • Academic Recovery

Click here to see names of presenters for all the Breakout Sessions

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LM August 2023

The IASA Annual Conference would not be possible without the generous support of our School Service Members. On behalf of the entire IASA community, it is with sincere gratitude that we acknowledge our 2023 IASA Annual Conference supporters:



Thank You

10 LM August 2023


September 27–29, 2023 BOS Center and the President Abraham Lincoln Springfield—A DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel

register now!

Receptions–Wednesday & Thursday

Exhibit Hall Open Thursday


IASA Welcoming Reception Wednesday 6–7:30p.m.

Don’t miss your opportunity to visit the Exhibition Area on the Main Floor and get a quick look at the latest products and services available to Illinois school districts. Coffee breaks will be available inside the hall. Lunch will be served from 11 a.m. to noon and is complimentary for all conference attendees. Attire Registrants should wear business professional attire on Wednesday and Thursday. Registrants are welcome to wear casual, school attire on Friday.

Come join us as we celebrate at the IASA Welcoming Reception in the BOS Center Main Hall. This event will give you time to reconnect with your colleagues from around the state and meet the IASA staff.

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IASA President’s Reception Thursday 9–11 p.m.

Come together with your colleagues and IASA President Dr. Roger Alvey for an exciting reception with a Jimmy Buffet theme, complete with Dueling Pianos entertainment. This enjoyable gathering presents another chance to reconnect with fellow professionals from across the state and catch up with old friends.

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We hope you will


Join Us

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11 LM August 2023


IASA Board Approves Launch of Visioning Process Seeking Representatives for Working Groups

In November 2012, the IASA Board of Directors initiated a plan aimed at developing a comprehensive visioning process for enhancing public education in Illinois in the long term. That effort resulted in Vision 20/20, a decision-making framework that effectively guided ongoing advocacy endeavors and fostered unity among public educators in envisioning a brighter future. Vision 20/20 catalyzed impactful changes in school funding, teacher recruitment, 21st century learning and accountability. However, in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, the landscape of public education has been significantly altered, presenting immense challenges and prompting increased scrutiny. Just like in 2012, it is our responsibility as educators to reflect upon the current state of education in Illinois and take decisive action to forge an education system that effectively addresses the needs of all students. During its recent meeting, the IASA Board of Directors unanimously voted to launch a fresh visioning process known

The person selected for the working group must be an active IASA member. There are no specific IASA guidelines for regions to use when selecting someone. Once an individual is selected, he or she should contact Cherry Middleton at cmiddleton@iasaedu.org to confirm participation. The first meeting for the Vision 2030 Working Group will be October 18 in Springfield . It is anticipated the visioning process will last one year. A statewide survey is slated to be released in November. Exact dates will be determined based on group feedback. Representatives should make every effort to attend meetings in person. Role of Vision 2030 Working Group Representatives of the Vision 2030 Working Group will engage in deep discussions on education policy and issues that will shape priority platforms and IASA advocacy efforts. The discussions will be facilitated and managed by ECRA Group, Inc., a third party educational consulting firm.

A few examples of discussion topics are literacy, school safety, Tier 2 pensions and the teacher shortage. IASA is also in the process of engaging statewide education associations and stakeholders to participate in Vision 2030. More information on that will be shared at a later date. To close, we appreciate your

as Vision 2030, aimed at fulfilling the promise of public education. Once again, this visioning effort will seek to foster collaboration and unity among educational organizations and individual school districts, creating a platform that articulates the principles educators stand for and aspire to realize.

Vision 20/20 catalyzed impactful changes in school funding, teacher recruitment, 21st century learning and accountability

To achieve this transformative vision, the IASA Board of Directors seeks your valuable contributions and active participation. Seeking Regional Representatives Each region is asked to select a member to serve on a Vision 2030 Working Group. This person will be joined by an IASA member selected from each region by IASA Executive Director Dr. Brent Clark, meaning each region will have two representatives.

support as IASA embarks on this new visioning process to provide an updated blueprint for public education in Illinois. We are in the very early stages of this yearlong effort and recognize that it will be a continuous and gradual process. At the end of the day, it’s our collective duty to do all we can to improve the lives of each and every student and shape the next generation. Thank you for your time and consideration.

12 LM August 2023

Health Alliance has offered high-quality health plans through the ISEBC for many years. Recently we entered into an exclusive agreement with the IASA to become the preferred carrier for the ISEBC. We will in turn be offering discounted pricing through the approved ISEBC agencies. Based in Champaign, Health Alliance has been delivering high-quality care and coverage for over 40 years. This year J.D. Power ranked Health Alliance as #1 in member satisfaction among commercial health plans in IL and IN*. We also received the highest scores in: • Billing and payment. • Coverage and benefits. • Customer service. • Information and communication. • Provider choice. Health Alliance has also earned the Great Place To Work® designation four times. To learn more about the different ways we provide the best service to our members, go to HealthAlliance.org/About-Us. As part of a vertically integrated health system under our parent company, Carle Health, we are able to bring a different perspective to the overall management of employee health plans. Health Alliance understands the importance of ensuring the providers, hospitals and the health plan are all working toward a common goal of improving the health Your Health Matters

Health Alliance is proud to partner with IASA

of the employees and their families. Our provider ownership gives us a unique perspective no other type of health plan administrator can offer. Health insurance and healthcare are very important aspects of your business. Not only is it a major expense, but it directly impacts employee productivity, absenteeism, retention and recruitment. You need more than just someone to pay claims and give you a network discount. You need a true partner who will help you manage this part of your business. A partner who will sit down with you, explain to you the data and offer ideas for improvement. A partner who can help develop and implement a plan specific to your group with a long-term goal of improving health and maintaining an affordable benefit plan. Our goal is to develop a strong relationship and a long-term goal with you. We hope to get the opportunity to provide a proposal and work with you in the near future. Thanks, The Health Alliance Team

To learn how Health Alliance can save your district money, contact your ISEBC agent:

Clemens and Associates, Inc.: tcockburn@clemensins.com (Egyptian, Shawnee, Kaskaskia, Southwestern and Wabash Valley)

American Central Insurance Services: jeremy@americancentralins.com (Abe Lincoln, Central Illinois Valley,

J. Krug: lsimios@jkrug.com

James Unland & Company, Inc.: bshock@unland.com (Western (Knox County) and Central Illinois Valley (Peoria, Tazewell and Woodford counties)

(Blackhawk, Kishwaukee (Boone, DeKalb and Winnebago counties), Northwest and Starved Rock)

Corn Belt, Illini, Kaskaskia, Two Rivers and Western)

*Health Alliance Medical Plans received the highest score in the Illinois/Indiana Region in the J.D. Power 2023 U.S. Commercial Member Health Plan Satisfaction Study of members’ satisfaction with their commercial health plan experience. Visit jdpower.com/awards for more details.

13 LM August 2023

Education Elevat g

Timothy Schurman Chadwick-Milledgeville CUSD #399

Dr. Jeanie Stachowiak North Palos SD #117

Who: Timothy Schurman, superintendent What: Expanded technology to every classroom; Added tutoring supports for students; Updated facilities districtwide; Increased district fund balance; Leader of schools that have received an Exemplary designation two times; Increased starting teacher pay; Member of IASA Board of Directors; Former IASA Region President; Whiteside Area Career Center Board of

Who: Dr. Jeanie Stachowiak, superintendent What: Three-time recipient of National Blue Ribbon Award in a district that serves 60 percent low income population; Presented at education conferences; Highly regarded EL program; Expanded technology; Implemented successful intervention and after school programs; Fostered

Directors; Third degree member of the Knights of Columbus and served as Grand Knight for three years Where: Chadwick-Milledgeville CUSD #399, Northwest Region When: Superintendent of Chadwick-Milledgeville CUSD #399 for 14 years Why: As the longtime superintendent of Chadwick-Milledgeville CUSD #399, Tim Schurman has operated under the guiding principle that every student deserves the best. “I serve about 400 students in a small rural area in northwestern Illinois,” Schurman said. “I want to make sure where they live doesn’t prevent them from getting the best. Our students deserve the best teachers, the best facilities, the best technology and the best education we can provide. My goal as superintendent is to improve our district with every decision I make.” In his 14 years at Chadwick-Milledgeville CUSD #399, Schurman has implemented a 1:1 computer initiative, purchased Smart Boards for every classroom and overseen a massive expansion of technology. He has also placed an emphasis on elevating teaching and learning that has resulted in strong academic success. Both school buildings in Chadwick-Milledgeville CUSD #399 have received the designation of Exemplary by the Illinois State Board of Education multiple times.

successful Professional Learning Communities; Developed a successful teacher mentor program. Where: North Palos SD #117, Cook South When: Superintendent of North Palos SD #117 for 13 years Why: In order for schools in North Palos SD #117 to achieve one of the highest honors in education, a National Blue Ribbon Award, Dr. Jeanie Stachowiak believes it starts with setting high expectations. “We don’t have a lot of flash, but we’ve been fortunate to achieve success,” Stachowiak said. “High expectations for all students is our No. 1 mantra in North Palos. Everything we do is about trying to make sure every student has the same opportunities for success.” Less than 1 percent of schools nationwide receive a National Blue Ribbon Award, which recognizes overall academic excellence or progress in closing achievement gaps among student subgroups. North Palos SD #117 is a three-time recipient of the award. Glen Oaks Elementary School has received the award twice and Conrady Junior High School once. Dr. Stachowiak said what she is most proud of is that her district’s demographics do not line up, generally speaking, with other National Blue Ribbon Award winners. In North

14 LM August 2023

Education Elevat g

Stachowiak ... cont’d. Palos SD #117, nearly 60 percent of students are low income and nearly 40 percent are English Learners. “It comes back to having an unbelievable staff that is hard working, believes in our mission and is deeply committed to doing everything they can to make sure our kids learn and get prepared for high school,” Dr. Stachowiak said. At North Palos SD #117, Dr. Stachowiak has been instrumental in developing highly regarded EL programming, fostering a robust co-teaching model and expanding the district’s mentoring program for new teachers. Technology is also emphasized. The district is 1:1 and has its technology director work directly with the teaching and learning department. Some other keys to success are that North Palos SD #117 invests heavily into professional development that is embedded into the district and emphasizes the use of data to make informed decisions. Individualized instruction, accelerated learning, intervention programs, enrichment activities and after-school programming that targets students needing extra help with reading and math is also paramount to the district’s educational mission and philosophy. “We are fortunate to work in a school district governed by a school board that supports our goals and is fully invested in the students in our community,” Dr. Stachowiak said. “Our team is continually looking for ways to improve, and the Board trusts the recommendations we bring to enhance the learning opportunities throughout the district.” With 13 years experience as superintendent, Dr. Stachowiak said she also believes in supporting her peers and sharing best practices. She and her leadership team have presented at education conferences and she has welcomed other superintendents to her district. “I believe education is the greatest equalizer and every student needs to have the same opportunity regardless of where they come from,” Dr. Stachowiak said. “I am happy to share ideas and strategies to help my peers expand supports and opportunities for students in their districts. What always happens is when people come here, we learn from them too.”

Schurman ... cont’d.

“We have been fortunate to renovate and enhance every square foot of our K–12 facilities. Our buildings are older, but they have been completely updated with new lighting, new electrical, new flooring, new technology infrastructure, and a new geothermal HVAC system, which enabled us to air condition 100 percent of our facility.” Schurman said. Attracting and retaining high quality teachers has also been a priority. A new Collective Bargaining Agreement struck this year raises the base salary of new teachers by $9,000. “You are not going to get the best teachers unless you can offer them a competitive salary out of college,” Schurman said. “We negotiated and eliminated salary schedules for teachers in exchange for higher salaries for our teaching staff. In three years, the starting salary for a new teacher will be $46,000 per year.” While enhancing facilities and the quality of education in Chadwick-Milledgeville CUSD #399, Schurman has maintained fiscal responsibility. The district’s fund balance was below $400,000 when he started in the district in 2005 and now stands above $6 million. “I am proud that our district has never had a deficit budget during my tenure, and yet we were able to continuously invest in our staff, facilities, technology, and in our students while still increasing our fund reserves,” Schurman said. Schurman has helped expand career and technical education opportunities for area students through his role on the Whiteside Area Career Center Board of Directors. In addition, he has served on the IASA Board of Directors for the past six years following a six-year run as IASA Northwest Region President. His time on the Board of Directors has helped him better understand the challenges his colleagues face across the state and make professional connections that have elevated his superintendency. One example is IASA helped enhance his district’s communication strategy during the COVID-19 pandemic. “The IASA staff, the COVID-19 support team and fellow directors provided feedback and guidance, which helped me enhance our district’s communication strategy during the pandemic,” Schurman said. “The checklists, form letters and communication we received from the IASA were of great help during a difficult time. The IASA Staff is the best in the nation, and we are blessed to have them working on our behalf.” Schurman is also active in his community. He has served as Grand Knight for his local chapter of the Knights of Columbus and as lector and eucharistic minister in his church.

15 LM August 2023

2024 Illinois Superintendent Of The Year Application

Click Here to Apply

Applying for Illinois Superintendent of the Year has never been easier! IASA has designed its own online application and is no longer using the AASA portal. Any superintendent can apply for Illinois

Superintendent of the Year. Illinois Selection Criteria Each candidate is judged on the following criteria: —How is your district elevating student success in the areas of academics, high school preparedness, college and career readiness and social-emotional support? —How is your district improving the quality of teaching and learning?

Student Success

Teacher Success District Success Community Success Involvement with IASA

—How has your leadership pushed your district forward? —In what ways have you given back to your community? —How involved are you with IASA?

Application Information and Procedures

Code of Ethics/ Acknowledgement Form

16 LM August 2023

How EBF Continues to Help Illinois Students: Making a Difference Returns Revisiting the Series Click here to read past stories

Lake Region Big Hollow SD #38 Bob Gold, superintendent

Central IL Valley Region Midwest Central CUSD #191 Dr. Todd Hellrigel, superintendent

We are a very rural, preK–12 district that serves about

900 students

We are a K–8 district with 1,750 students

Describe your school district.

in Mason and Tazewell counties

in northern Lake County.

Before EBF, what was the

When I arrived in 2015, we were in Financial Warning Status and issuing Tax Anticipation Warrants to make payroll. We had high class sizes and limited services. It was a barebones operation. This led to low morale in schools and in our community.

Proration hurt our district. We were losing between $300,000 to $800,000 per year during that period. We had to cut $1.5 million from our budget. That meant losing teachers, not replacing textbooks, not adding technology and gutting our reading program.

situation in your school district?

Percent of Adequacy then and now?


69 %



% in FY 2018

% in FY 2018

% in FY 2024

in FY 2024

We added social workers, behavior interventionists, academic interventionists, assistant principals and administrative staff. We have also lowered classroom sizes and added significant technology. After-school programs have also been added, and our district received Financial Recognition Status by ISBE. We have a long way to go. We want to add more support and coaching for teachers and interventions for our students. We are still behind in being able to address academic and instruction needs.

We added back ancillary services such as nursing. We rebuilt our reading and intervention programs. We have provided PD for teachers and added a work-based learning program to promote college and career readiness, including expanded dual credit courses. The biggest impact has been raising starting teaching salaries to help us attract quality teachers. The key to improving student outcomes is to hire and retain good teachers. The second key will be continued curricular improvements and strengthening teacher training programs.

Biggest impact EBF has had on your district?

How will a continuous

investment in EBF help you improve educational outcomes?

    

    

Listen to complete interviews on the IASA Podcast:

Click here for Big Hollow

Click here for Midwest Central

17 LM August 2023

Professional Development

Dr. Courtney Orzel IASA Associate Director of Professional Development

IASA Offering Initial and Retraining Academies for Principal and Teacher Evaluation, Student Growth Need Evaluator Credits?

If you or anyone in your district is in need of evaluator training to fulfill state requirements, IASA has you covered. Multiple sessions are being offered in FY 2024 beginning in July. All sessions will be held virtually. info•register

Whether its struggles to balance family responsibilities, higher expectations and scrutiny in the workplace or underrepresentation, female school leaders continue Leadership Strand Women in Leadership: Learning, Leading & Living AA 3665 Updated for FY24

to face unique challenges. This newly updated IASA academy is intended to help women leaders confront fears, boost confidence and forge a support network that will help you thrive in your leadership role. Even if you’ve taken this academy before, join us again for

new research on Women in the Workplace as well as other new resources, activities and connections for 2023–24. Up coming dates: Aug. 29, Feb. 27 and June 17


Safety Site Assessment Basic CPTED Principles AA #3858


This academy focuses on how districts can take an annual standards-based approach to assessing the security of school buildings, grounds and policies. Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) provides the framework for conducting safety site assessments based on

industry standards. This academy is open to superintendents as well as building and central office administrators. Presented by Dr. Roger Alvey and Dr. George McKenna. Upcoming dates: Sept. 8 and Oct. 27 info•register

18 LM August 2023

This academy will guide Administrators and district personnel through a working session and in-depth overview of the topics and processes related to meeting School Code Compliance requirements through ISBE, ROEs, and ISCs. Upcoming dates: Sept. 7, Oct. 5 and Jan. 11. info•register

Health Life Safety Compliance An Administrator’s Guide to the Fundamentals AA #3700

Professional Development The purpose of this academy is to provide administrators and other school personnel with an in-depth look at, and discovery into, topics related to Health Life Safety and Compliance. Uniquely, the presenters provide both perspectives on the issue: Ralph Grimm presents the school superintendent’s

view, and Pat Durley, the regional superintendents. Upcoming dates: Sept. 12, March 7 and May 30.


Leadership Strand Why Your Why Matters AA 1445

IASA’s popular leadership academy strand focusing on your Why returns with three additional online sessions. Whether you’ve experienced a Why session before, or you’re taking Why Your Why Matters for the first time, register today and join your colleagues around the state to network, collaborate and

reflect on why being an educator is the most important profession on Earth! Upcoming dates: Oct. 3, Jan. 10 and June 13.



Tax Levy Basics: Preparing & Filing the Tax Levy Certificate

Preparing and filing the tax levy certificate may well be one of the most important tasks a district superintendent must complete on an annual basis. Understanding the cycle is

crucial to completing this annual task correctly and on time. Upcoming dates: Oct. 10–24. info•register

19 LM August 2023 continued...

PD ... cont’d.

Leadership Strand Leadership Requirements for Moving From Good to Great AA 481

Some schools and school districts are good; some are great. What is the difference and what does it take to move an institution from good to great? The focus of this course is on leadership and behavioral

characteristics that enable leaders to identify and accomplish their goals of moving from Good to Great. Upcoming dates: Oct. 17, Jan. 11 and April 11.


IASA Academy

THE UNFINISHED LEADER: A School Leadership Framework for Growth & Development AA#3896

School of Professional Development

There is no such thing as the BEST version of yourself, there is only the NEXT version of yourself. You have to be driven deeply by something, believe that you have a legacy to leave and admit you are unfinished. This IASA Academy led by Dr. Michael

Lubelfeld and Dr. Nick Polyak serves as a guidepost to help leaders understand that we are all works in progress. Upcoming dates: Oct. 18 and April 18. info•register

Problem-Solving and Collective Bargaining Using an Interest-Based Approach AA 3782

Professional Development

This academy will provide Administrators, Board Members and Association (Union) Members with an in-depth overview of the concepts included in the Interest-Based Bargaining method that can be used as problem-solving techniques as well. Specifically, the course provides

participants information on the three main components of Interest-Based Bargaining: Training, “Communication Lab” and Bargaining. Upcoming dates: Oct. 19, Feb. 8 and Feb. 15. info•register

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PERA, Evaluations and SB7/RIF: Putting It All Together

cycle including the PERA Joint Committee, the SB7/ RIF Committee and the timelines in which each of these committees must complete their work. Upcoming dates: Oct. 24-Nov. 2.

The evaluation, retention and dismissal of your staff is really a series of interconnected steps that create a cycle that must be followed each year. This workshop is designed for early career Superintendents and other administrators who would benefit from a practical, immediately useful refresher course on this essential topic. Information will be shared on each step of the


Leadership Strand Adaptive Leadership: Dealing With Change AA 1825

There are always new practices and strategies being discovered that will enable students to be more engaged and to learn better. However, teachers are not necessarily quick to change their practices. How do we, as administrators, challenge and encourage teachers to be open-minded to new practices and strategies for learning?

This IASA Academy led by Dr. Gary Zabilka will help leaders think more clearly and execute better in a shifting environment. Upcoming dates: Dec. 5 and March 7. info•register

The Power of Positive Leadership AA 3730 The research is clear. Being a positive leader is not just a nice way to lead. It’s the way to lead if you want to build a great culture, unite your organization in the face of adversity, develop a connected and committed team and achieve superior goals. This IASA workshop is designed to provide you with actionable strategies to create a culture of trust, empowering you to lead with authenticity and ignite a sense of purpose within your team. Upcoming dates: Feb. 2, April 4 and June 18. info•register Leadership Strand Investing in your team’s success and well-being is a game-changer for your organization’s growth. Register now for this IASA workshop based on the proven principles of Jon Gordon’s best-selling book, The Power of Positive Teams (POPT). Participants will learn proven strategies and practices to help build a stronger, more united, and connected team. Upcoming dates: Jan. 12 and March 8. info•register The Power of Positive Teams AA 3927 Leadership Strand

21 LM August 2023

Need Help With







ISBE Systems


New Pilot Program Offers Direct Assistance to Schools

IASA has expanded our team to launch IASA Compliance Plus, a pilot program for the 2023–24 school year designed to help districts save time on compliance matters. Participating districts will receive direct assistance from Cheryl Graff, former Regional Superintendent, and Robert Wolfe, former Chief Financial Officer at ISBE. Cheryl and Robert will help participating schools navigate ISBE financial systems, follow

Developed based on member feedback Member-Driven Initiative IASA created this pilot program in direct response to concerns that compliance has become overly time consuming, documents are difficult to locate and mandates have stockpiled. This program will provide you more time to focus on leading your team and improving student success. state mandates and stay up-to-date on regulatory, employment and licensure requirements.

Supports offered include: • Navigating ISBE financial systems and website. • Templates and checklists. • Systems for tracking licensure requirements and mandates. • Support and guidance on employment requirements. • Expenditure report assistance. • IARSS Electronic Compliance Instrument/probe.

• Cheryl Graff served as Regional Superintendent in ROE #30 for 6 1 /2 years before retiring. • Robert Wolfe recently retired from ISBE after 33 plus years as Chief Financial Officer. Facilitators

Want to learn more? Click here to register for Aug. 18 Webinar

22 LM August 2023


requisites Sign up for Aug. 18 Webinar!







Why Superintendents are Signing Up for IASA Compliance Plus

Cost Flat rate of $5,200 per district. This service may align with your District’s Risk Management Plan, making tort funds available. Contact your district’s legal counsel. “” Andy Johnson Superintendent, Effingham CUSD #40 On why he registered … I don’t feel like one of my strengths as a superintendent is navigating compliance matters. I would much rather get help from experts and limit the amount of time I’m stuck behind a desk entering data, uploading reports and navigating ISBE financial systems. For $5,200 this felt like a no-brainer to me. On how it will impact his district … I am new to this district in Effingham, and we also have a new bookkeeper and other new employees Exclusively to the first 40 districts whose boards approve this additional IASA membership service. Availability

who deal with compliance. I believe bringing in experts from Compliance Plus will help educate our staff on the who, what and how for everything compliance related and streamline our processes, so we save time down the road. On why the cost will be worth it … I reached out to our district attorney, and they have absolutely agreed the expense of this program can be run through tort. To levy an extra $5,000, in my opinion, is a small sacrifice from local taxpayers to help us not spend additional more money in the long run because we’re not compliant.

Next Steps

Consult with your Board of Education to gauge interest. Second, complete the online form on our IASA website. Please note filling out the form does not lock your district into participation. IASA will follow up for confirmation and send an invoice at a later date.

Questions? Contact Jason Nevel at jnevel@iasaedu.org or call 217–753–2213

Click here to complete Compliance PLUS interest form.

23 LM August 2023

FY 2024

Help Us Extend a Warm Welcome to All Illinois’ Superintendents New

Dr. Michael E. Tresnak DeLand-Weldon CUSD #57 Abe Lincoln

Bobbi Fisher Mid-State Special Education Abe Lincoln

Dr. Emily Weidner Cerro Gordo CUSD #100 Abe Lincoln

Sacha Young Central A&M CUD #21 Abe Lincoln

Ashley Francis Edinburg CUSD #4 Abe Lincoln

(photo unavailable at this time)

John Streit Roanoke Benson CUSD #60 Central Illinois Valley

Dr. Angel L. Turner Evanston CCSD #65 Cook North

Leonard W. Ealey, III Pekin PSD #108 Central Illinois Valley

Marcus Bush Rockridge CUSD #300 Blackhawk

Dave Johnson Fieldcrest CUSD #6 Central Illinois Valley

David L. Brown Gen. George Patton SD #133 Cook South

Dr. Angela Crotty Midlothian SD #143 Cook South

Dr. Ben Collins Park Ridge CCSD #64 Cook North

Matthew Condon Morton Grove SD #70 Cook North

Dr. Meg Schnoor NW Suburban Sp. Ed. Org. Cook North

24 LM August 2022

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