LM August 2023hi

This academy will guide Administrators and district personnel through a working session and in-depth overview of the topics and processes related to meeting School Code Compliance requirements through ISBE, ROEs, and ISCs. Upcoming dates: Sept. 7, Oct. 5 and Jan. 11. info•register

Health Life Safety Compliance An Administrator’s Guide to the Fundamentals AA #3700

Professional Development The purpose of this academy is to provide administrators and other school personnel with an in-depth look at, and discovery into, topics related to Health Life Safety and Compliance. Uniquely, the presenters provide both perspectives on the issue: Ralph Grimm presents the school superintendent’s

view, and Pat Durley, the regional superintendents. Upcoming dates: Sept. 12, March 7 and May 30.


Leadership Strand Why Your Why Matters AA 1445

IASA’s popular leadership academy strand focusing on your Why returns with three additional online sessions. Whether you’ve experienced a Why session before, or you’re taking Why Your Why Matters for the first time, register today and join your colleagues around the state to network, collaborate and

reflect on why being an educator is the most important profession on Earth! Upcoming dates: Oct. 3, Jan. 10 and June 13.



Tax Levy Basics: Preparing & Filing the Tax Levy Certificate

Preparing and filing the tax levy certificate may well be one of the most important tasks a district superintendent must complete on an annual basis. Understanding the cycle is

crucial to completing this annual task correctly and on time. Upcoming dates: Oct. 10–24. info•register

19 LM August 2023 continued...

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