LM August 2023hi

FY 2024

Help Us Extend a Warm Welcome to All Illinois’ Superintendents New

Dr. Michael E. Tresnak DeLand-Weldon CUSD #57 Abe Lincoln

Bobbi Fisher Mid-State Special Education Abe Lincoln

Dr. Emily Weidner Cerro Gordo CUSD #100 Abe Lincoln

Sacha Young Central A&M CUD #21 Abe Lincoln

Ashley Francis Edinburg CUSD #4 Abe Lincoln

(photo unavailable at this time)

John Streit Roanoke Benson CUSD #60 Central Illinois Valley

Dr. Angel L. Turner Evanston CCSD #65 Cook North

Leonard W. Ealey, III Pekin PSD #108 Central Illinois Valley

Marcus Bush Rockridge CUSD #300 Blackhawk

Dave Johnson Fieldcrest CUSD #6 Central Illinois Valley

David L. Brown Gen. George Patton SD #133 Cook South

Dr. Angela Crotty Midlothian SD #143 Cook South

Dr. Ben Collins Park Ridge CCSD #64 Cook North

Matthew Condon Morton Grove SD #70 Cook North

Dr. Meg Schnoor NW Suburban Sp. Ed. Org. Cook North

24 LM August 2022

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