LM August 2023hi

Message From the Executive Director Feedback From the Field Strengthens IASA, Leads to New Programs and Initiatives

Dr. Brent Clark

Legendary UCLA basketball coach John Wooden strongly believed that one of the requirements to sound leadership is the ability to listen—really listen—to those in your organization. As I reflect on the upcoming IASA Annual Conference, and the different programs and services IASA is currently offering, my mind keeps harkening back to the concept of listening. For example, this year’s lineup of keynote speakers all have an education background. That decision was made directly from feedback received in the post-conference survey. Dr. Jill Siler is a former superintendent who serves a similar role in Texas as Dr. Courtney Orzel serves in Illinois. Adam Welcome is a former principal and Director of Technology in California. Dr. Gene Kerns is an academic researcher, and Merlyna Valentine was a highly regarded school administrator before a medical tragedy changed her life forever. In addition, Illinois educators will once again play a prominent role in this year’s conference. Ignite returns with seven presentations from Illinois superintendents, Dr. Tony Sanders will share his vision for the Illinois State Board of Education and three IASA members will take the main stage to deliver empowering keynote addresses. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to hear from respected educators and forge relationships by registering for IASA’s 59th Annual Conference. Another initiative rooted in listening is the launch of our newest pilot program, IASA Compliance Plus. As I travel our state, I increasingly hear concerns that compliance has become overly time consuming, documents are difficult to locate and mandates have stockpiled. With the support of the IASA Board of Directors, we launched IASA Compliance Plus in July. Participating districts will receive direct assistance from Cheryl Graff, former Regional Superintendent, and Robert Wolfe, former Chief Financial Officer at ISBE. If you have questions about IASA Compliance Plus, IASA is hosting

a free webinar with Cheryl and Robert on Aug. 18 at 10:30 a.m. We want to hear from you on how we can save you time and navigate ISBE and ROE compliance more efficiently. Also happening at IASA is the launch of Vision 2030. For the past three years, superintendents have inquired when IASA would create a new legislative decision making framework in the mold of Vision 20/20. With the pandemic in the rear-view mirror, the IASA Board of Directors approved the launch of Vision 2030 earlier this month. If you missed the email, see page 12 for more information. To close, literacy and school safety are topics I hear discussed out in the field and from state policymakers. As superintendents, I imagine you have also faced questions about the percentage of students reading at grade level and what you are doing to keep student’s safe. Throughout FY 24, IASA will be emphasizing literacy and school safety through advocacy, information and supportive programs. We recently partnered with CrisisGo on a Digital Mapping Bootcamp and are partnering with Renaissance on some events focused on academic recovery. Other opportunities will be announced at a later date. Thank you for feedback and ideas to improve our association. If you have other suggestions to strengthen our association, please let us know. We’re ready to listen. Have a great school year, and I look forward to seeing everyone Sept. 27–29 in Springfield at the IASA Annual Conference.

3 LM August 2023

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