LM August 2024
News In Brief
FY 2025 EBF Spending Plan Resources The Evidence-Based Funding Spending Plan webpage has been updated with additional resources to assist Organizational Units in completing the annual EBF Spending Plan. Fiscal year 2025 Tier Funding and Student Population Allocations are published in a single report for ease of reference. These four figures should be entered directly into the EBF Spending Plan (in the district budget form) and used to answer questions about the use of state funding. ISBE will review funding amounts in the EBF Spending Plan for accuracy. All budgets submitted from here on must use the current year funding amounts. The EBF Spending Plan is completed within the annual school district budget form (SD50-36) for school districts and via a stand-alone template for Regional Offices of Education (ROEs), Intermediate Service Centers (ISCs), and lab schools. The standalone template has been provided directly to these Organizational Units. Questions about the EBF Spending Plan can be directed to ebfspendingplan@isbe.net. —ISBE
2024–25 National School Lunch/Breakfast Program Verification Process Training
AASA is Now Accepting Nominations & Applications for Two Awards Recognizing Women in School Leadership in the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program are required to verify income for a small percentage of households approved for free or reduced-price meals each school year. (Sponsors that are districtwide Community Eligibility Provision do not need to complete the verification process.) —ISBE The Women in School Leadership awards recognize female educators whose talent, creativity and vision are exemplary. Two awards are available: The Superintendent Award: Awarded to any female superintendent who’s been in the position for two or more years. The Central Office/Principal Award: Awarded to any female central office or building-level leader (eg. assistant superintendent, central office administrator, principal, etc.) Honorees will be recognized at AASA’s National Conference on Education in New Orleans, La., in March of 2025. Nominations must be made by September 8, 2024, and applications must be received by October 4, 2024. Learn More, Apply or Nominate a Colleague —AASA A training webinar on the Verification Process for School Year 2024–25 Go To Meeting Link is scheduled for 1–2:30 p.m. Sept. 17. School food authorities participating
ISDLAF+ Monthly Update Click here to view the most current ISDLAF+ rates, economic indicators and general economic news brief. To obtain additional information regarding this IASA sponsored service, contact Audra Braski, Senior Vice President, Investment Services/ISDLAF+ at 630–657– 6422, or email: abraski@pmanetwork.com. Website: www.pmanetwork.com.
31 LM August 2024
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