LM August 2024
LEVERAGING LEADERSHIP ANNUAL CONFERENCE 60 th Racing Toward Excellence Wed., Sept. 25 PRE-CONFERENCE SESSIONS Just For New Superintendents New Superintendent Meeting with Field Services Directors First year superintendents will share how their first 90 days have gone—as well as share some insight and anecdotes of what they’ve learned and what they have to look forward to for the remainder of their first year. The IASA Team will provide support, guidance, and offer suggestions based on their collective years of superintendent experience. Click here to RSVP. Presented by: IASA’s Team: Dr. Brent Clark, Dr. Dawn Bridges, Ralph Grimm, Dr. Brian Harris, Dr. Sheila Harrison-Williams, Dr. Gary Kelly, Diane Robertson, and Dr. Vic Zimmerman 10am The Next 90 Days
Powered By Women In Leadership
Suzanne Dailey—Leading Happier This reimagined session, powered by our Women in Lead ership sponsors, is open to both female and male district leaders. Join us for an inspiring and thoughtful session, sub titled Strategies to Promote Joyful Leadership, led by national presenter Suzanne Dailey that dives deep into how small shifts in thoughts, language and actions can strengthen relationships and maximize time. Suzanne earned National Board Certifica tion and is a Fellow of the National Writing Project. She has a masters degree in reading and is the author of “Teach Happier this School Year: 40 Weeks of Inspiration & Reflection.” Sponsored by:
8 LM August 2024
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