LM December 2015

“John A. Logan College has re-energized the Dual Credit Program within our district high schools. First, it is good for the College, but most importantly, it provides students with career options they don’t even know exist. High

“Today’s students are digital learners that want a much different school experience than their parents and grandparents. The reality is that we’re still entrenched in an educational system that

school students can acquaint themselves with real world job possibilities that they can plan for at an earlier age. The 199,000 job openings would be far less if we were all working together to provide high school students with realistic options.”

was designed more than 100 years ago for the industrial jobs of the early 20th century. If our mission is truly to prepare kids for the future, then we must rethink the traditional school model and have the courage to change it “ -- Dr. Greg Goins, superintendent, Frankfort District 168

-- Ron House, interim president of John A. Logan Community College

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‘When you throw something away , where does it go?’ I think we need to ask similar questions about the students we serve. Where are they going? That visual representation of the stack of paper listing the 199,000 projected job openings drove home the point that educators need to see beyond graduation as a destination and accept the responsibility to provide students the skills they need to succeed in college or the workforce.” Dr. Greg Goins, superintendent of Frankfort District 168 in West Frankfort, added: “Today’s students are digital learners that want a much different school experience than their parents and grandparents. The reality is that we’re still entrenched in an educational system that was designed more than 100 years ago for the industrial jobs of the early 20th century. If our mission is truly to prepare kids for the future, then we must rethink the traditional school model and have the courage to change it.” Steve and Greg both make excellent points and both are creative and innovative leaders. Greg even hosts a one-hour weekly Google Hangout show promoting digital leadership that airs at 7 p.m. each Tuesday at TeachCow.com. Dr. Ron House, the interim president of John A. Logan Community College, talked about the collaboration that must take place between school districts and higher education. “John A. Logan College has re-energized the Dual Credit Program within our district high schools. First, it is good for the College, but most importantly, it provides students with career options they don’t even know exist. High school students can acquaint themselves with real world job possibilities that they can plan for at an earlier age. The 199,000 job openings would be far less if we were all working together to provide high school students with realistic options.” You don’t need me to list all of the obstacles facing superintendents and school administrators. You know them by heart. Despite those things – or maybe because of them – I have never seen a greater opportunity for educators to influence opinions and make changes. What’s your plan and what are you doing for the Class of 2025, today’s second-graders? Are you focused on your students’ future or your past? That job report is a demand that we are challenged to meet. Our students’ future depends on it and so does the future of our state. Thank you for all that you do to meet that challenge. I want to wish all of you a safe and wonderful holiday season!


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