LM Feb.2019

Positive ... cont’d.

Social Emotional LearningCurriculum In order to ensure that positive psychology principles would be systematically taught and practiced with students, a team of about 100 District #54 staff members came together to create an early childhood through eighth grade SEL curriculum. This curriculum, aligned to the Illinois Learning Standards, is being taught in every District #54 classroom. Prior to the curriculum implementation, many best practices were being utilized but they were inconsistently implemented across school sites. Achor’s positive psychology research provided a common platform to build upon. New lessons were designed that incorporated current best practices, along with the principles from Achor’s “Happiness Advantage” and “Big Potential.” Weekly social-emotional learning lessons contain common themes for supporting SEL across all grade levels. The lessons are interactive and meaningfully connect to student lives. The weekly lesson time is built into the school master schedule as a way to prioritize this time. Staff collaboratively plan for the lessons and weave the topics across the school day for authentic application and reinforcement. Every family in District #54 was provided a “Happiness Family Guide” that outlined the SEL work into a story families could work on, in conjunction with school staff, to support the needs of their children. For the first time this year a universal screener was used for every student in the district to help identify any student in need of additional social-emotional support beyond the weekly lesson. Proactive instruction to support social-emotional well-being now parallels a similar focus on academic objectives. By year end, we will be able to provide staff and parents a quantifiable snapshot of each student’s progress in the area of SEL. Knowing each child by name and need supported by a focus on positive psychology will fuel student success in life. Change for theBetterment of aSchool CommunityandBeyond The research based on positive psychology, and specifically the work of author Shawn Achor, provides a strong basis for staff and student success. District and school leaders will see immediate opportunities to apply this work into current systems and structures, which will positively impact the well-being of students, staff and communities. This work is having a profound impact on the lives of our most valuable resource—our people. Positivity leads to success. What better way to impact whole child success than to ensure every school stakeholder is equipped with the tools to use happiness and optimism to grow and reach their potential? A happy organization is proving to be the greatest catalyst of student success we have seen.


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