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Acommonvein between both districts’ responses to school safety during the pandemic is that each school district utilized technology to make COVID-19 safety more accessible, easier to maintain, and more reliable. Even as we begin to see light at the end of the pandemic tunnel, it’s clear that COVID-19 and pandemic safety will continue to be relevant to schools for years to come. As the district COVID officer, I receive all escalation emails directly to my email/phone so that I immediately know if someone is at risk… We are able to enter all escalation reports into a contact listing site within the CrisisGo website. This feature informs the parents of the length of the quarantine and allows us to properly contact trace any outbreaks that may occur. [This also] allows us to provide all the necessary information to the Illinois Department of Public Health.” NorridgeSD#80 Norridge School District #80 leverages technology to determine which students should be allowed back to school and to maintain the process of verification and admittance into the school building. Bob Biedke Dean of Students Norridge SD #80 J. Giles School “We really didn’t know how we were going to bring students and staff back into the building and still provide a safe COVID-free learning environment. Safety iPass has been a lifesaver. Each morning, an email goes out to…confirm the health status of [students]. Families respond to the [survey] questions so we can determine, within the guidelines from the Illinois Department of Public Health, if a child is allowed entry… Once on the school grounds, staff scans the students’ IDs and takes students’ temperature.
GrayslakeCHSD#127 Grayslake Community High School District #127 uses a health screening tool that includes a guest option for individuals who aren’t in the building every day. Jessica Lovinelli “Students fill out the [screening] survey themselves but only [hybrid learning] students receive the daily email and have access to the app; if a remote student needs to enter the building, they use the visitor access. When the students arrive at school, they have to show their green Safety iPass and then get temperature checked. All of our administrators, teachers, support staff, long- term and daily substitutes are in the system [and receive an email survey each morning]. Contract workers, temporary substitutes, and anyone without a [school] email address use the visitor survey by scanning the QR code on each entry door. There is both a Spanish and English version of the survey… using the multi-language option in Safety iPass, we were able to translate our survey to make it accessible to all visitors. The data is reviewed by building administration [who] also receive escalation emails and status reports… If an escalation email is received, [we] contact the staff member or the student’s family to ensure it wasn’t an error and then follow our COVID protocols. This whole process has provided a sense of safety for our staff, students and community.” Director of Technology Grayslake CHSD #127
CrisisGo’s Safety iPass allows schools to utilize all 5 of the critical components needed to streamline pandemic safety and keep their school community safer. If this pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that safety is truly a community effort, and Safety iPass lets every stakeholder play their role in pandemic safety for your school community.
27 LM February 2021
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