LM Feb 2023
WELL Summit March9–10 inBloomington
AASAUnveilsNewWebsite ISBE Searching for Sponsors andSites for Summer Food ServiceProgram ISBE is launching the search for new Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) sponsors and sites to help bring free nutritious meals to children across the state. School districts, community organizations, churches, camps, park districts, and others helped serve more than 3.1 million meals last summer through SFSP, which is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and administered by ISBE. There were 133 SFSP sponsors and 1,560 meal sites in 53 of the 102 counties in Illinois. Organizations interested in participating in ISBE’s Summer Food Service Program in 2023 can obtain more information by calling ISBE’s Nutrition Department at 800-545-7892, emailing cnp@isbe.net, or visiting the ISBE SFSP webpage. School Food Authorities can also participate in the similar Seamless Summer Option (SSO) program to provide meals during the summer. SSO is an option for districts already operating the National School Lunch Program. AASA, The School Superintendents Association, launched the all new AASA.org website. The new AASA.org provides an easy-to-navigate, user-friendly experience where educational leaders and advocates of public education can quickly find the information and resources they seek, so they can get back to what they do best – work to create bold and innovative learning environments on behalf of their school communities. One of the new key features on the website is an extensive library of resources, all in one centralized location, filterable and searchable by topic and resource type. Click here to learn more.
The WELL Summit empowers, connects, inspires, supports, celebrates and develops women in educational leadership. The event, organized by the Illinois Principals Association, is designed for women at all points of their educational career—from those leading or learning in college and university preparation programs to school staff and faculty, assistant principals, principals, deans, special education supervisors, directors, assistant superintendents, school business officials, superintendents to board members, state board staff as well as professionals who support women in leadership. Registration is limited to 400 participants. Recipients will each receive the annual 4” GEM paperweight keepsake recognizing our 5th year! Click here to learn more and register.
ISDLAF+MonthlyUpdate Click here to view the most current ISDLAF+ rates, economic indicators and general economic news brief. To obtain additional information regarding this IASA sponsored service, contact Fenil J. Patel, Senior Vice President, Investment Services/ISDLAF+ at 630–657–6437, or email: fpatel@pmanetwork.com. Website: www.pmanetwork.com.
LM February 2023
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