LM Feb 2023
Professional Development in 2010, 150 Illinois students have graduated from the program. I wish the best for this latest group and am excited for the personal and professional growth they will experience throughout the cohort. ISAL was one of the best professional development programs I ever participated in as a superintendent.
Dr. Courtney Orzel IASA Associate Director of Professional Development
We were excited to welcome the seventh cohort of the IASA School for Advanced Leadership to Springfield January
26–28. The group of 26 superintendents will convene eight different weekends throughout 2023–24. What makes ISAL unique is that each participant is paired with a leadership coach, who is a current or retired superintendent who graduated from ISAL. The leadership coach serves as a trusted mentor that you can contact anytime with questions about professional or personal matters. Since its inception
To close, please take a look through the next few pages to see dates, information and links for registration for IASA academies and workshops. We have a full schedule right now of unique learning opportunities.
IASA Offering Initial and Retraining Academies for Principal Evaluation Need Evaluator Training?
IASA is currently offering initial principal evaluation and evaluator retraining academies. These academies are designed to fulfill Illinois State Board of Education requirements. To learn more about dates and requirements, click the link at right.
Leadership Strand Why Your Why Matters AA 1445
IASA’s popular leadership academy strand focusing on your Why returns with five new sessions. Whether you’ve experienced a Why session before, or you’re taking Why Your Why Matters for the first time, register today and join your colleagues around the state to network, collaborate and reflect on why being an educator is the most important profession on Earth! The first of five sessions will be held virtually on December 6. The series continues with four more sessions, both online and virtually, through June 22, 2023.
Presented by: Dr. Courtney Orzel, IASA Associate Director of Professional Development.
Upcoming Dates: • March 13, online; • June 8, in person (Springfield); • June 22, online
24 LM February 2023
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