LM Jan 2020

Reporting Abuse Wages Cannabis

Self- Administration of Medications by Students

Minimum Wage Increase

Sexual Harassment Training

Mandated Reporters

Cannabis Administration

rights and available remedies and a list of responsibilities companies have in handling claims. According to the statute, the Illinois Department of Human Rights is tasked with creating a curriculum that will be available free of charge. The curriculum is expected to be released by the end of the first quarter. School districts have until Dec. 31, 2020, to provide the training. Additional guidance regarding how quickly a company should train a new hire will be issued later this year. MandatedReporters (SB1778) As of January 1, mandated reporters in Illinois will be required to undergo additional training as part of Public Act 101-0564 . A mandated reporter is a person who, because of his or her profession, is legally required to report any suspicion of child abuse or neglect to the state’s 24-hour Child Abuse Hotline . Superintendents, teachers, principals, school counselors, school nurses, school social workers, assistant principals, teacher’s aides, truant officers, school psychologists and secretaries are all considered mandated reporters. The new statute requires an initial mandated reporter training within three months of employment. The statute also says the training is required at least every three years thereafter. For example, a superintendent who completed the training last year would have to complete the training within two years. The training is available for free on the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services website. Self-AdministrationofMedication byStudents (SB1250) Public Act 101-0205 requires school districts to allow students to self-administer medication if the student’s parent provides the district with written permission and written authorization from the student’s physician.

The statute requires a parent or guardian to provide the school district the prescription label for the medication, which must contain the name of the medication, the prescribed dosage and the time or times when the medication is to be administered. In addition, the public act requires each school district to adopt an emergency action plan for a student who self- administers medication. That plan must include steps the district will take if the student is unable to self-administer medication, as well as what to do if there is a situation where a school employee must call 911. Immunity for school personnel is provided except for willful and wanton conduct. CannabisAdministration (SB455) Public Act 101-0370 expands a 2018 law known as “ Ashley’s Law ,” which authorizes schools to allow parents, guardians or other caregivers to administer cannabis-infused products to a student who is authorized to use medical marijuana. The new statute says schools will be required to allow a school nurse or administrator to administer cannabis-infused products to a student who is a registered qualifying patient while on school premises, while at a school-sponsored activity or before or after normal school activities, including on a school bus. In addition, the statute allows students to self-administer the medication under the direct supervision of a nurse or school administrator. Parents must provide the district written authorization for its use. Furthermore, the law directs the Illinois State Board of Education to develop a training program for school nurses and administrators on the administration of medical cannabis. The training must be completed annually and prior to administering medical cannabis to a student. Any school administrators or school nurse who administers medical cannabis to a student is not subject to arrest or prosecution under the new law.


LM January 2020

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