LM Jan 2024
Havana ... cont’d.
difference in our students lives. I always order T-shirts for Appreciation Week, but started including the Happiness Theme on everything. I was looking for every positive opportunity to promote happiness and build up our employees. In Year 2, we were all experiencing the dreaded COVID but, if there was ever a need for a Happy-Positive message for our employees, it was then. We continued our book studies and meetings with Shawn Achor’s next book called “ Big Potential ” that expanded on his research of the advantages of happiness. We learned that when we do good positive things collectively the advantages last longer and I think are more meaningful. At the time, law enforcement was getting crushed in the media for the actions of a few, something that educators can relate to. An employee suggested we do something positive for our Our district is one of only a handful if districts in the state whose socioeconomic status is city and county law enforcement. The Art and Ag teacher made some big clocks that the departments could hang in their break rooms. They had a nice plaque mounted on them that thanked the department for all they do and let them know that Havana #126 appreciated them. We also accepted donations and were able to give both departments money to buy whatever they may need. The best part was coordinating with the Sherriff and Police Chief to have both of their departments’ employees come to the front of the high school at a designated time on an SIP Day where all our Havana #126 employees were standing in the front yard to welcome them. We presented both departments with our tokens of appreciation, shared some nice words and it was a very powerful moment. Over the last three years, I have kept up the practices of buying things for our employees, pumping them up with below the national average, but whose performance is above the national average.
Happiness is contagious and things just keep getting better here year after year.
positive messages and celebrating the successes of our students and employees. As our finances have improved so have our gifts. I continue to build trust with the team through financial transparency, and I keep them informed about everything I am working on to make our district better for our students. This sustained and reinforced message has truly created a positive work environment and culture that I would put up against any district in the state. Happiness is contagious and things just keep getting better here year after year. Our employees are surrounded by the happiness message everywhere. It is on their coffee cups, tumblers and they are wearing it on their apparel regularly. Our improved financial situation has allowed the district to offer to negotiate early so we could pay our employees better. Our gifts have gotten nicer, but they still include the HAPPY messaging. See the Good, Focus on the Positive and Be Happy, is how I finish every communication with
28 LM January 2024
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