LM January 2017
Sesser-Valier’sHenry livesout hiscalling 2017 Illinois Superintendent of the Year recognized for his ‘servant leadership’
By Mike Chamness IASA Director of Communications
Jason Henry has never forgotten the lessons he learned as a youngster attending a small country church in Southern Illinois. “That small church congregation taught me what it really means to love and care for my friends and neighbors, how we need to hold each other accountable, and how to work together as a team,” said Henry, superintendent of Sesser-Valier Community Unit District 196 who recently was named the 2017 Illinois Superintendent of the Year. “They helped set the pace of my life, and those values are front-and-center in our lives today.” Those who nominated Henry noted a lengthy list of accomplishments in his 12-year tenure as head of the Sesser-Valier district, but it was Henry’s vision, integrity and his “servant leadership” that really caught their attention. School Board President Carroll Kelly, himself a former longtime teacher, principal and high school Hall of Fame football coach, said: “Because of my background in education, I recognize quality educational leadership and the honor of Illinois Superintendent of the Year is very appropriately presented to Dr. Jason Henry. He has modeled how to attain worthy goals to Sesser-Valier students, teachers and staff members alike.” Some of those accomplishments in the school district under Henry’s guidance include: Introducing a co- a regular education teacher in junior high and high school classrooms for English, language arts and math. That plan helped reduce the percentage of students identified as needing Individualized Educations Plans (IEPs) by a third, from 21 percent to 14 percent. Partnering with Monsanto to introduce new STEM technology such as 3D modeling and z-Space workstations for students. Implementing a new, privately-funded, four-year LIFE 101 curriculum that focuses on life skills such as personal financial management and budgeting. teaching program pairing a special education teacher with
Implementing the “Shaping, Planning, Leading” project to develop a comprehensive strategic plan for the school district. Helping the Sesser-Valier Elementary School achieve designation as a federal Blue Ribbon school. Neighboring Pinckneyville Superintendent Timothy O’Leary, in his nominating letter, wrote about one of the Sesser-Valier schools becoming a demonstration school for the Illinois IASA President Derek Hutchins, left, presents the 2017 Illinois Superintendent of the Year award to Dr. Jason Henry of Sesser-Valier Community Unit District 196 federal funding coupled with increasing poverty levels in a rural school district,” O’Leary wrote. “Dr. Henry definitely balances being a wise steward of the district’s financial resources while meeting the community’s needs.” Henry also has earned the respect of his teachers and staff, including union leadership in his school district. Stephanie White, co-President of the Sesser-Valier Education Association, said: "Dr. Henry’s decisions are based on the best interests of our students, faculty, and staff. He is invested in the district's educators and supportive of their work. Dr. Henry works closely with the Sesser-Valier Education Association to promote an encouraging and connected school climate." —Dr. Jason Henry, Illinois Superintendent of the Year Aspire Program. “This is quite an accomplishment while facing decreasing student enrollment, reduced state and
“That small church congregation taught me what it really means to love and care for my friends and neighbors, how we need to hold each other accountable, and how to work together as a team.”
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