LM March 2016.pub
2015-2016 Senate Bill 7 Performance Rankings Tool software available for purchase
Illinois School Districts continue to comply with requirements of education reforms. As such, the Illinois Association of School Administrators (IASA) has worked to provide support via the Senate Bill 7 Performance Rankings File. Since the creation of the software, more than 400 school districts have used the software to help with making important staffing decisions. This program gives districts a method of managing district positions aligned to local qualifications, teachers' credentials and performance ratings. The program compiles this local data and creates reports needed to comply with Senate Bill 7.
The annual licensing fee of $275 for members and $550 for non-members remains the same this year.
If you would like to purchase the IASA SB 7 Performance Rating file, please click here .
Please note that previous versions of the IASA Senate Bill 7 Performance Rankings File are no longer supported. Also, the service method for the 2015-2016 software will be via email only at sb7@iasasureys.org .
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