LM March 2017

analysis showed that... schools...achieved higher student attendance and graduation rates, higher student scores on standardized tests, and lower rates of truancy than prior to collaboration with Illinois CSI

We have found it beneficial to recognize and celebrate victories and milestones on our journey to school transformation, and the data are key to this process. For example, a recent data analysis

Those of us who work in school improvement know that the implementation of successful, long-lasting, transformative change can result in increased student achievement over time; we also know that seeing this change usually happens after

by our parent company, American Institutes for Research, provided substantial evidence that Illinois CSI’s evidence-based approach to systemic improvement works and has led to improvements in student achievement and transformative changes of practice at the district, school, and instructional levels. This evidence is described in our data brief, Making a Difference for Schools and Students with Illinois CSI Services. Specifically, the analysis showed that the schools served by districts receiving Priority services from Illinois CSI achieved higher student attendance and graduation rates, higher student scores on standardized tests, and lower rates of truancy than same-site ratings measured prior to collaboration with Illinois CSI.

about three to five years of implementation with fidelity. We are happy that the schools we support are seeing that change now, three years after partnering with us. It is a testament to the dedication of district and school leaders and the staff of Illinois CSI. We congratulate the superintendents of districts receiving Priority Services who have provided data showing the positive effects our collective work is having on student achievement. We hope that the results inspire you as you implement EBPs in your own districts.

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