LM May 2017 Final
I n the wake of the Flint lead crisis, Gov. Bruce Rauner signed into law SB550 making Illinois the latest state to
require lead testing in school drink- ing water. Schools that are occu- pied by 10 or more students pre-kin-
dergarten though grade five and con- structed before the year 2000 must test all drinking water points of use for lead with results being submitted to the Illinois Department of Public Health.
We will take the worry out of the lead testing requirements, by helping you design a sampling plan that will provide the right solution for all your testing needs.
In northern Illinois call
Central and downstate call
Save this ad and call now for an appointment to test for lead: Date:_________ Time:__________
n McHenry Analytical
n PDC Laboratories 2231 W Altorfer Dr, Peoria, IL 61615 Ph: 800.752.6651 x1719
4314-A Crystal Lake Road, McHenry. IL 60050
Ph: 815.344.4044 www.McHenryLab.com
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