LM May 2017 Final

Rallyplannedat StateCapitol tourge school funding reform&fundedK-12budget

A broad coalition of education organizations will hold a school funding rally May 17 at the State Capitol in Springfield. Various speakers will lead the push for a new school funding formula as well as a funded state budget for K-12 public schools. “While rallies don’t normally pass bills, they do serve to raise awareness across a broader audience and apply pressure to both the legislative and executive branches to focus on their most important

task,” said IASA Executive Director Dr. Brent Clark. “We’re hoping for a major crowd of people, including kids, parents and school personnel to send a strong message.” The rally will begin at 1 p.m. on Wednesday, May 17 at the foot of the Lincoln Statue at the Capitol (301 South Second Street in Springfield). For more information, please contact Angelica Chavez of Advance Illinois

at 773-603-6289 or by email at achavez@advanceillinois.org .

Join us!

1pm Wednesday, May17 301SouthSecondSt. Springfield, IL Foot of LincolnStatue



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