LM Nov-Dec_2021

We believe that 100 percent of students should be involved in an extracurricular activity,” Dr. Webb said. “It’s a team-building experience that gives students something to look forward to and be more engaged in school.

Click here to watch a video about IASA’s 2022 Illinois Superintendent of the Year.

One of his proudest accomplishments, however, is expanding pre-K programs to full day for all 3- and 4-year old students in the district. “I wanted to service every single child and every family that wanted pre-K services in our community,” Dr. Webb said. “I wanted to make sure every student was ready, and it didn’t matter if they were living in poverty or living in wealth. It also didn’t matter what their race or ethnicity was. They are all starting at the same level.” Dr. Webb is also proud of the district’s partnership with Shawnee Community College that has resulted in one of the most aggressive dual-credit programs in southern Illinois. Goreville students can earn up to 33 dual credits before they graduate at no cost to its students. Goreville CUSD #1 has also expanded college and career preparation by offering certification training in auto mechanics, food service and nursing. Students in the district’s Certified Nursing Program learn in a re-created hospital setting inside the school. “Our students have the absolute best opportunity to learn and be a successful CNA right out of high school and with that training they are given an advantage over other potential applicants for nursing programs at the higher level,” Dr. Webb said. “These students can go to any hospital, any nursing home or other healthcare agency and get a good paying job right out of high school, which is a phenomenal opportunity for kids living in a rural area with fewer training options.” LeaderOutsideof School Dr. Webb has always considered himself a problem solver. The fact that police response times in the event of an emergency remained, on average, over 7 minutes and even longer in rural areas bothered him. In 2009, Dr. Webb came to a realization—he could be the solution to the problem. He enrolled in the police academy,

earned his badge and became the first dual superintendent and School Resource Officer in the state. “The top priority of any superintendent is to keep students safe, and we couldn’t do that in the event of a crisis because police response times in rural areas are many times longer,” Dr. Webb said. “I decided I could help, and we have really worked hard to make Goreville Schools a safe place for our students to flourish.” Since then, Dr. Webb has become a national presenter and expert on school safety tactics. He is a certified ALICE Instructor and has presented at more than 100 conferences and seminars across the country on emergency preparedness and threat assessment. He also authored a book, Education in a Violent World: A Practical Guide to Keeping Our Kids Safe. In addition, he serves on the Illinois Terrorism Task Force School Safety Working Group. As a recognition of his efforts, he received the “2021 National Safe School Leadership Award” by the National Association of School Resource Officers. Dr. Webb is also committed to elevating public education. He currently serves on the AASA Executive Committee and is a former IASA President. Furthermore, he is an adjunct professor for Southern Illinois University at Carbondale and McKendree University in Lebanon. Steve Benard, School Board President, said Goreville CUSD #1 is fortunate to have Dr. Webb as its leader. “Dr. Webb has taken our school district and community to incredible new heights with his visionary leadership,” Benard said. “He does not see problems—he sees potential and he stops at nothing to figure out a way to make it benefit kids.”

9 LM Nov./Dec. 2021

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