LM Nov-Dec_2023
conference showcase
Tips You
Lessons Learned from the Joint Annual Conference
Can Use
Education conferences are a tremendous opportunity to learn about innovative strategies and best practices in schools. However, it’s not always possible to attend every session you want. In this new feature in Leadership Matters, IASA highlights breakout sessions you may have missed. The article is not intended to offer a comprehensive review of each presentation, but rather provide you with 3–5 tangible tips from the presentation that you can use in your district.
This session provided helpful tips and tricks for people wanting to boost their Google Docs, Slides, Gmail and Sheets skills. Panelists : Clare Bourne, Executive Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent; Tommy Chanthasene, Director of Technology; Dave Jenkins, Assistant Superintendent of Technology Services—Crystal Lake CCSD #47. 1 In Google Docs, you can easily restore to the previous version by clicking the clock icon in top right of the page. The prior versions can also be named to make them easier to find and can be copied so you can keep the original intact. 3 Coming out of the pandemic, teachers leading class rooms with newcomer ESL students need professional development on best practices. The shift to remote learning and disruption in learning hampered teacher’s growth in connecting with ESL students. 4 Consider developing an academic assessment in the home language for students entering as newcomers after second grade. The assessment should include mathematics, oral retellings and gathering of writing samples. Use the results of the assessment to form a six-month plan to accelerate learning where needed. Google Productivity Tools for Everyone
What Leaders Should Know About Newcomer Students
This interactive panel featured newcomer educators and advocates serving students in grades preK–12. The panelists discussed exemplars for addressing unique learning needs of newcomers, considerations for staffing and indicators for program success. Panelists : Dr. Rebecca Vonderlack-Navarro, Director of Education Policy and Research for the Latino Policy Forum; Bridget Peach, Executive Director of ED RED; Leslie Perkins, Coordinator of English Learners at Moline-Coal Valley SD #40; Dr. Barbara Marler, Director of EL Services at Skokie SD #68. 1 Creating shared experiences with other students can help newcomer students build relationships with their peers. Schools should consider organiz ing field trips or planning activities such as pumpkin carving or arts and crafts. Those experiences create an inlet to teach English and literacy. 2 School districts should explore whether the student qualifies as homeless and can receive resourc es under the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. Other funding revenues are Title I, Title II and Title III. Donations can also supplement support for newcomer students.
8 LM Holidays 2023
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