LM Oct.2017
21st century learning critical thinking COMPETE GLOBALLY G R O W T H O F T H E W H O L E C H I L D technology-infused modern skill set ... ...
and recall facts. CCSD59 is attempting to develop an assessment solution that will include state and local measures, SEL indicators, 21st century learning skills, and foundational academic skills in math and literacy. Assessing theWholeChild CCSD59 is committed to assessing the growth of the whole child and developing an assessment solution that utilizes a combination of academic and social-emotional growth
proactive MTSS model that will focus intervention design on strengths and interests versus a deficit view. This shift challenges us to focus on what students can do rather than looking solely at skill deficits (can’t do). More specifically, we endeavor to provide students with effective learner strategies that can be matched to student strengths and learning preferences. A final shift in our MTSS transition was to revisit our approach for designing and providing Tier 2 interventions. In an attempt
to maintain every student in a regular classroom setting, we moved away from a traditional pull-out intervention model for math and literacy and moved to a push-in delivery model (Tier 2 only). We have also developed a support team of experts— literacy interventionists and instructional coaches that we termed our “synergy team” to
measure and PARCC individ- ual scores. The balance of utilizing growth data, attainment data, and social-emotional learning data allows CCSD59 to reinforce the importance of measuring student growth and achievement over time, pushing our focus further away from one-time, high stakes assessment. The assessment
Developing a comprehensive assessment solution that measures soft skills in meaningful ways presents a formidable challenge.
participate in MTSS planning and push into the classroom to support, guide, and monitor intervention plans. The synergy team provides small group instruction (Tier 2 intervention) and student support while also modeling intervention strategies for the classroom teacher. Our coaches also develop coaching cycles with staff to delve deeper into the instructional practice taking place in the classroom. In short, it is our goal that every classroom teacher becomes an expert in intervention and core instructional practice. The synergy team is a critical support group in supporting staff so they can achieve this goal. In both the current and subsequent school years, we have made a significant commitment to leadership and staff training in the area of our MTSS process and strength-
solution also aligns with the assessment recommendation included in the Illinois Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) plan that was recently approved by the United States Department of Education (USDE). Student Growth Foundationally, our system of assessment is built on the premise that every student is to achieve a minimum of one year’s growth over the course of a school year. Although a seemingly reasonable outcome, the goal remains a challenge in CCSD59 as nearly 60% of our families meet the criteria for poverty and 58% qualify for free and reduced lunch, both significant challenge indicators when considering student attainment. In order to more effectively meet this goal, we determined to transition from a reactive RtI model to a
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