LM Oct 2021
Professional Development
Dr. Courtney Orzel IASA Associate Director of Professional Development
I hope everyone who attended IASA’s 57th Annual Conference is feeling refreshed, recharged and revitalized! Thanks again to everyone who presented at a breakout, Ignite or in the Closing General Session. Your presentations helped lift school leaders up and make this conference one of the best yet. In case you missed it, we announced the keynote speakers for next year have been secured. Chris Singleton and Damon West will inspire us with powerful messages that you don’t want to miss. The 2022 conference is scheduled for Sept. 28–30. Meanwhile, IASA’s professional development keeps rolling on. Check out our full slate of PD opportunities.
IASA is committed to helping grow future leaders! On November 9, the IASA Starved Rock Region will host the first Next Generation Leadership workshop. This workshop is intended for central office staff and other building leaders considering the superintendency. Participants will learn more what the position looks like? What are the challenges? What are the successes? Why does the Superintendency matter? Next Generation Leadership
Presented by: Dr. Orzel and Chad Watkins, IASA General Counsel.
PERA, EvaluationsandSB7/RIF: Putting It All Together
The evaluation, retention and dismissal of your staff is really a series of interconnected steps that create a cycle that must be followed each year. This workshop is designed for early career Superintendents and other administrators who would benefit from a practical, immediately useful refresher course on this essential topic. Information will be shared on each step of the cycle including the PERA Joint Committee, the SB7/RIF Committee and the timelines in which each of these committees must complete their work. Participants will also review the pertinent documents from their own districts relevant to this cycle and time will be given for Q and A. Participants should have available during the workshop their district’s most recent PERA Joint Agreement, any Memorandum of Understanding signed with their teacher union regarding evaluations under PERA, their most recent Sequence of Honorable Dismissal List from 2021, and any other RIF Joint Committee documents in force. Presenters—Ralph Grimm, IASA Field Services Director and retired Illinois Superintendent, and Patrick Durley, retired Illinois Regional Superintendent info•register
18 LM October 2021
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