LM Oct 2021

W E L C O M E T W O N E W A D D I T I O N S T O T E A M :

Q : What’sonethingaboutyouthat wouldsurprisepeople? I love pop culture and fan theory about my favorite shows and movies! Q : Didyouhaveaneducator in school thatwasarolemodel or inspirationtoyou? During my educational career, I have had many exceptional educators, in particular Mrs. Hawkins and Mr. Newell. These individuals gave me the tools and resources I needed to succeed and supported my future academic plans. EmilyWarnecke: Director of Public Relations/ Deputy Director of Governmental Relations

our state organization is to our profession. The current IASA staff is a collection of incredibly talented people, and I am beyond thrilled to be joining the team to help support colleagues across our state. Q : Whatpastexperienceshaveyou hadthatpreparedyoufor this opportunity? I have worked as a superintendent in an elementary district for the past four years and previously served as a special education coordinator. During that time, I have collaborated with both state and local legislators to advocate for our local positions on a variety of issues that would have impacted our work, and I am looking forward to doing more of that at the state level. Q : Whatwill beyour roleandduties withIASA? My rolewill be new to the organization, but I ammost excited about assistingwith legislative advocacy and representing the views of superintendents across the statewhenworking with legislators. I’msurewe are in for an exciting and eventful session in the spring, and I hope that my field experience can be of significant value as wework to advocate for our position on bills that are presented. Q : What’sonethingaboutyouthatwould surprisepeople? For those who don’t know me, they might be surprised by my love for football! My husband is a high school football coach, our three sons play youth football, and we are huge Green Bay Packer fans! #GoPackGo Q : Didyouhaveaneducator inschool thatwasarolemodel or inspirationto you? There are way too many to try to narrow it down! I have countless former teachers and professors who serve as role models, and I continue to be inspired by my colleagues in the field on a daily basis. I would also be remiss if I did not mention that Diane Hendren has been an incredible inspiration to me as well, and the work she has done on our behalf over the years is one of the reasons I was interested in working for IASA in this capacity.

Bio information

Hometown: Highland, IL Current City: Highland, IL Education: Educational Specialist in School Psychology; University of Missouri— St. Louis

Q : Whydoyouwant toworkfor IASA? Serving as a superintendent for the last four years has made me realize just how important Emily Warnecke will join IASA on January 1, 2022 in a new role, Director of Public Relations/Deputy Director of Governmental Relations. Below is a short Q&A with Emily to help you get acquainted with her. General Administrative and Superintendent Endorsements; Southern Illinois University—Edwardsville Doctoral Candidate in the Educational Leadership program; Southern Illinois University—Edwardsville

5 LM October 2021

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