LM October 2015
Dr. Tony Smith
Mentioning his childhood, State Superintendent Dr. Tony Smith termed his mission of helping lead the efforts to provide educational opportunities for Illinois children "deeply personal." After spending much his first four months as the Illinois State Superintendent traveling the state, Smith said about students he met and observed "I believe deeply in my heart that the talent of our children is abundant throughout the state, but the opportunities are not." The main theme of Smith's presentation was his personal mantra "I choose to dwell on possibility." Calling it an aspirational narrative, Smith talked about a unified system across the state focused ion changing the outcomes for all kids. Among other points Smith made in an hour-long discussion with attendees, were: "Do we appreciate children as problems to be solved or unique gifts we've never seen before?"
"I believe in core ideas, but I am very flexible in the 'how' " "The future of Illinois depends on the strength of public schools." ISBE "should not be an agency of 'no.' I would love nothing more than our agency to be one that takes care of you." "My commitment to you is that I will dwell on the possibility that we can be the greatest educational state in the country. In the time I have left in this job, I promise to help you be great."
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