LM Sept. 2018
Summer Technology Academy
Each summer, more than 200 CCSD #93 staff members take part in one of two separate identical one-week sessions in the summer time to share and learn best-practices from one another regarding effective educational technology tools and resources. It’s called CCSD #93’s Summer Technology Academy, and it’s integral in equipping our staff members to lead our students in relevant and innovative lessons throughout the entire school year. CCSD #93 has introduced Coding class to all middle school students. Computer coding skills will continue to be increasingly important for future careers, and CCSD #93’s goal is to use the class to give students a foundation in coding that will serve them well as they progress through high school, college, and into the workforce. The class teaches students current coding principles, which they then apply to various robotic technologies, such as drones. The hands-on course is part of CCSD #93’s rotating related arts curriculum and encourages students to learn valuable coding skills centered around sequencing and programming through trial and error. All CCSD #93 students participate in composting every day. In the spring of 2015, Western Trails School began composting lunch waste, and now all nine CCSD #93 schools have advanced recycling and composting programs. CCSD #93 staff members and Environmen- tal Club student leaders actively teach our students how to separate their lunch waste into compost, recycling, and landfill containers. By teaching our students these crucial skills, they will be better equipped to reduce waste and preserve our earth’s valuable resources for future generations. This video was designed as an additional tool to teach students about composting and to show our community what our composting efforts look like.
Videos above provided by Dr. Bill Shields, Superintendent, CCSD #93, Bloomingdale, Carol Stream, and Hanover Park
This video highlights the various activities and preparation that took place to improve student achievement. Mrs. Kim Petrasek, Superintendent, Mannheim SD #83, Franklin Park
Send your school videos to mschaefer@iasaedu.org . We want to highlight what’s going on in your school district!
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