LM Sept. 2018
JoinUsat the IASAAnnual ConferenceonSept. 26-28 Message From the Executive Director
Dr. Brent Clark September is planning and strategy setting time for IASA. Each week during the month of September, committees have been gathering to review activities from the past year and develop strategy for the new fiscal year. Those committees include: the Governmental Relations and Advocacy Committee, Professional Development Committee, Region Presidents and the Membership and Communications Committee. As well, the IASA Board of Directors will meet on September 25 ahead of the IASA Annual Conference. I certainly appreciate all IASA members who take time out of their busy schedule to participate in committee meetings throughout the year. Our committee members truly provide relevant insight and make sure IASA is headed in the right direction. Through your efforts and essential vision, we remain committed to providing all members with the benefits needed to be successful school leaders. To learn more about our achievements and planning process, I invite you to attend the IASA Annual Meeting at the IASA Annual Conference on Wednesday, September 26, at 4 p.m. You will hear my state-of-the-association report and Treasurer’s report by IASA Treasurer Dr. Victor Zimmerman. Dr. Rick Rigsby, an award winning journalist and author of “Lessons of a Third Grade Dropout” will follow as the keynote opening general session speaker. Our annual meeting is the official kick-off to the 54th IASA Annual Conference in Springfield, September 26–28. Don’t miss the opportunity to enhance your own strategies for success and network with more than 400 superintendents who are pre-registered and committed to attending this year’s conference. We have an impressive line-up including our closing general session speakers: legendary UCLA softball coach Sue Enquist and Illinois State School Superintendent Tony Smith plus a multitude of breakout sessions sure to empower you with great ideas. We will also hold an Ask the IASA Staff session on Thursday afternoon. Another special program at this year’s conference, IASA Women in Leadership kicks off September 26 at 1 p.m. Read more in this issue about the important work the planning committee has done to develop this program for IASA female
superintendents. Female superintendents will also not want to miss the IASA Super-Region Lunch Meetings , October 1 in Glen Ellyn, October 4 in Springfield and October 22 in Mt. Vernon. This is just one example of how IASA continues to deliver unique programs and professional development initiatives for a cross-sector of all our members. In addition, we are finishing up on delivering the ESSA/ECRA dashboard academies/workshops in all 21 regions over the past two months. We are excited to see the dashboards and district stories come to life and look forward to sharing the impressive work being done by various districts through a new ECRA-sponsored website to be unveiled soon. For those attending the conference, we want to remind you that ECRA will be available during the conference from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Thursday, September 27 to answer any questions you may have regarding the new dashboard. This is a great opportunity for you to receive personalized support, get your questions answered and receive guidance on creating your district dashboard. Labor Day traditionally begins the closing stretch for the November 6 election. You almost can’t miss being bombarded by campaign messages in this fall season. As we enter the final days of the campaign, be prepared for a more attack strategy as both gubernatorial candidates campaign for the state’s highest office. This year’s Illinois governor’s race is set to be the costliest in U.S. history. After the election, we will face the fall veto session in November. With more lame duck legislators than ever before, we have to keep a watchful eye out for controversial issues to pass. Watch your email for details about the new IASA sponsored Future Green Energy Consortium that will launch shortly. This brand-new, one-of-a-kind renewable electric power solution program is designed to save school districts money on their electric supply costs. This is a joint initiative of IASA, Illinois Association of School Boards and the Illinois Association of School Business Officials. I look forward to seeing you next week at the IASA conference!
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