LM Sept. 2023_final
Education Elevat g
Dr. Darren Root Auburn CUSD #10
Dr. Mary Ticknor Lemont Twp HSD #210
Who: Dr. Darren Root, superintendent What: Serves on Capital Area Career Center Board and Springfield Area Special Education District boards; Chair of Regional Office of Career and Technical Education EFE #310; Help mentor new superintendents in Sangamon County; Member of Sullivan Group; Promote the profession by speaking at university education classes; Wrote dissertation
Who: Dr. Mary Ticknor, superintendent What: Chair of South Cooperative for Public Education; Illinois High School District Organization Board member; Federal Lands Impacted Schools Association Board member; IASA Women in Leadership; IASA School of Advanced Leadership Fellow; Helped pass a referendum that provided funding to update facilities; Launched
on school board relations; Helped pass one percent sales tax for schools in Sangamon County; Advanced numerous educational and school safety initiatives in Auburn CUSD #10 Where: Auburn CUSD #10, Abe Lincoln Region When: Superintendent of Auburn CUSD #10 since 2012 Why: Dr. Darren Root learned early in his superintendency that it is essential to collaborate with other leaders who are driving decisions to make sure everyone’s needs are served. “My brother was the superintendent of Williamsville-Sherman before he passed away in 2016. I remember when it came to snow days, he would say, ‘We’re only 30 miles apart. I don’t think the temperature is any different where you live. Why should I have school and you cancel. Let’s help each other out and collaborate.” Throughout his 11 years as superintendent, Dr. Root has tried to collaborate with his peers to elevate education for students throughout the region. He serves on the Capital Area Career Center (CACC) and Springfield Area Special Education District (SASED) boards. He’s also Chair of the Regional Office of Career and Technical Education EFE #310. “I got into education because I wanted to serve my community and help students reach their full potential,” Dr. Root said. “I think the community extends beyond Auburn to all of
Lemont Time to foster positive school culture and climate; Chicago Tribune Top Workplace Award for the previous seven consecutive years Where: Lemont Twp HSD #210, Cook South When: Superintendent of Lemont Twp HSD #210 for 12 years Why: Early in her education administration career, Dr. Mary Ticknor heard a key piece of advice that has helped guide her throughout her superintendency. “A very smart person once told me that connection must come before content,” Dr. Ticknor said. “I’ve always believed that one of our roles as administrators is creating the right connections, which helps create the right climate for academic success to occur.” Lemont Twp HSD #210 has received a Chicago Tribune Top Workplace Award for the previous seven consecutive years. A major reason for the honor is a key pillar in the district’s strategic plan is maintaining a safe, secure and caring school climate that fosters student learning and provides a positive work environment. One program that carries out that mission is Lemont Time. Students are placed into small groups of 12–15 people by grade level with a teacher. The class meets
20 LM September 2023
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