LM Sept. 2023_final

Cohort Welcomes Special Guests IASA kicked off the Reimagining Rural Leadership cohort on September 14 at the Wolf Ridge Elementary Library in Bunker Hill CUSD #8. Two Illinois Deputy Governors, Andy Manar and Martin Torres, were special guests. Both Manar and Torres discussed how the state has invested in public schools, from early childhood education, Evidence-Based Funding, MAP Grants, CTE programs and grants to address the teacher shortage.

IASA took an anonymous live poll during the Sept. 14 session asking participants why they are here. Below are some of their responses.

To learn, grow and be the best person/team for our parents, students and community. To gain new ideas and surround myself with like-minded leaders. Rural issues are different from other districts, and I want to learn what other rural districts are doing. I want to make the last four years in education the best yet. I can do this by learning from others. I want to be part of helping rural schools be successful.


The event also featured opening remarks from IASA Executive Director Dr. Brent Clark, a presentation from IASA Associate Director of Professional Development Dr. Courtney Orzel and a keynote presentation from Dr. Kim Alexander, CEO of Collegiate Edu-Nation. Dr. Alexander shared examples of unique models of supporting students in Roscoe, Texas beyond grade 12. Their model, which supported targeted students in grades 13 and 14, results in a 100 percent certification or degree attainment rate for their high school graduates. A bus tour that included stops at the now ramshackled Meissner Elementary School, the remote Royal Lakes


23 LM September 2023

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