LM Sept2022hi

PD ... cont’d.


Tax Levy Basics:


Preparing & Filing the Tax Levy Certificate 2021–2022

Preparing and filing the tax levy certificate may be the most important task a superintendent completes on an annual basis. Understanding the cycle is crucial to completing this annual task correctly and on time. IASA’s virtual workshop, “Tax Levy Basics: Preparing and Filing the Tax Levy Certificate,” is designed for early career superintendents and other administrators who would benefit from a very basic workshop on the Tax Levy Cycle. We will walk through the cycle from

the development of the tentative levy through the adoption and filing of the final tax levy certificate. Participants will learn basic tax levy terminology and review critical timelines and forms that are used in the filing of the tax levy certificate. Presented by Diane Robertson , IASA Field Services Director. Upcoming dates: • October 4 • October 12 • October 24 info•register

IASA Offering Initial and Retraining Academies for Principal Evaluation Need Evaluator Training?

IASA is currently offering initial principal evaluation and evaluator retraining academies. These academies are designed to fulfill Illinois State Board of Education requirements. To learn more about dates and requirements, click the link at right, then scroll down to evaluator academies.


... Webinars Women

Is The Superintendency For Me? Experienced female leaders share advice, answer questions in five-part series

The Illinois Association of School Administrators and Illinois Principals Association are proud to once again partner on a five-part series designed to support female educators considering the superintendency. Participants will listen and learn from a panel of five distinguished female superintendents. In each session, the panelists will discuss their experiences and share advice on what it takes to land that first job and how to be successful in a leadership role. A facilitator will help lead the conversation, and time will be reserved for participants to submit questions. Upcoming dates: • October 5 • November 30 • February 1 • April 19 • June 6.


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