COVER STORY Budget Impasse Ends! Thanks for your persistent efforts… and thanks to those legislators who stood tall.
The cover collage includes Governor Bruce Rauner (center), and, clockwise from top left, House Republican Leader Jim Durkin, House Speaker Michael Madigan, new Senate Republican Leader Bill Brady, and Senate President John Cullerton.
Past President’s View: Illinois Superintendents Continue to Weather the Storm New IASA President Focuses on ‘Kids First’— Rochester’s Bertrand has High Expectations Celebrating High School Innovators Awards Program— Looking for Students Doing Extraordinary Things
Hazel Crest’s Reading Program Aimed at Stopping ‘Summer Slide’ Illinois CSI: Momentum for Success IASA News in Brief
31 33 28 21 19
Videos from the Districts
IASA Calendar of Events
Volume 5, Issue 7 Summer Issue 2017 LeadershipMatters 17000-7
2648 Beechler Court Springfield, IL 62703-7305 217.753.2213 800 Woodfield Road, Ste. F109 Schaumburg, IL 60173-4717 847.466.5075
IASA Newsletter Editor Michael Chamness mchamness@iasaedu.org Graphic Designer Marjorie Gladish mgladish@iasaedu.org
1200 West Main Street Marion, IL 62959-1138 618.364.0501
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