LM summer 2023

Problem-Solving and Collective Bargaining Using an Interest-Based Approach AA 3782

Professional Development

This academy will provide Administrators, Board Members and Association (Union) Members with an in-depth overview of the concepts included in the Interest-Based Bargaining method that can be used as problem-solving techniques as well. Specifically, the course provides

participants information on the three main components of Interest-Based Bargaining: Training, “Communication Lab” and Bargaining. Upcoming dates: Oct. 19, Feb. 8 and Feb. 15. info•register

PERA, Evaluations and SB7/RIF: Putting It All Together

cycle including the PERA Joint Committee, the SB7/ RIF Committee and the timelines in which each of these committees must complete their work. Upcoming dates: Oct. 24-Nov. 2.

The evaluation, retention and dismissal of your staff is really a series of interconnected steps that create a cycle that must be followed each year. This workshop is designed for early career Superintendents and other administrators who would benefit from a practical, immediately useful refresher course on this essential topic. Information will be shared on each step of the


Leadership Strand Adaptive Leadership: Dealing With Change AA 1825

There are always new practices and strategies being discovered that will enable students to be more engaged and to learn better. However, teachers are not necessarily quick to change their practices. How do we, as administrators, challenge and encourage teachers to be open-minded to new practices and strategies for learning?

This IASA Academy led by Dr. Gary Zabilka will help leaders think more clearly and execute better in a shifting environment. Upcoming dates: Dec. 5 and March 7. info•register

19 LM Summer 2023 continued...

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